To: 衣食住行 # P @" Q W- z, r V1 D u: s' c6 n8 X+ @
First, many thanks for your great comments. But I still have a question for you. 0 v* W4 O; c; b$ d6 q9 y6 [* `7 r9 L6 w* }
You mentioned that there is no new school plan in the south of Magrath area from realtor's map. But, I was told by showhome's people that there would be a future plan to build a new elementary school just in the south of magrath (between Citadel and Martaggart mains). This new school plan is also shown in the map provided by the builders. Could you please helpe me clarify this question? % y% c( @3 s( t* ` A5 g
To: 衣食住行6 k& {7 Z# I; N3 q: e( V
" N% t% N- V6 k5 E
First, many thanks for your great comments. But I still have a question for you. n2 G- H& q4 v% D& M; {9 t" z8 G 2 z* `5 A p k; s/ h( LYou mentioned that there is no new school plan in the south of Magrath area from realtor's map. But .... r; l( Q4 {0 {) N# g; o. D
southcommon 发表于 2010-6-18 11:58
7 X4 h) i% p) H- T( ~* W: S前些日子这帖子沉了,我就忽略了。正好今天浮起来了,就解释一下。 % g0 L' |' S( J& {0 x9 U% V在Magrath的Developer和Builder的区域规划图上,有一块地:Future School / Park。当你在Builder那建房子时,Sales肯定是简单的提一下:未来的学校位置。但如果你细问一下,什么时候建学校,他们就会告诉你:No Idea。关于这点,我已经问过好几个那里得Builder了。答案都是“不知道","很难说"。"没听说要近期建学校"。"你可以带孩子上周边的学校"等等。 Builder肯定是不管建学校的。Developer也不管。是City相关部门(如教育局,规划办等等几个部门)根据区内对应年龄的孩子数量,周边小学的容纳程度等等因素来决定是否需要在那个Future School/Park地上建学校。现在,Magrath的孩子有小学上———George H Luck, Earl Buxton, richard secord等,就是远点. 今年,Terwillegar Town有一个Public K-9 和一个教会学校开学,这基本上消除了5年内在那块地上建学校的可能性。