我们公司坐落于 91 street, 48 Avenue,有内置可淋浴的洗手间,厨房,和娱乐休息室,会议室,齐全的防盗系统。目前有两个办公室想分租(subcontract)出去,办公用品齐全,比较适合起步的小型创业者。8 C) B) j/ H( I+ d; t
( H. D( E9 e% |, r) V) h9 O& U
如感兴趣请邮件联系:hope@PleasantSolutions.com2 M& h- n( E$ R t! Z6 h) U
8 \. f q8 {6 o: n; v
3000 sq ft.: v& ^" @; T- |* z2 m
Price will be different depending on how many office rooms you want to take. L ]$ s0 L! V/ ^Should be around CAD $700 ~ $2000 per month.+ H4 q3 Y# c/ U' a5 w ^
! n1 ~! E( ^+ Y3 e, s
Please contact me you are interested.) h! t, Q& k' |2 q
Thanks for your time!