鲜花( 1)  鸡蛋( 0)
/ @; Y0 R. ^/ L' p1 W; `所以临时临时起意,星期六下午,拉练,Elk Island,招人...
8 c. M% a' q% N' V- E7 \我建议的目标是+ z0 ^; n0 ]% E/ `0 w C
Moss Lake Trail 13 km (3.5 - 4.5 hours)
6 G0 ~& ^5 g1 A) Q7 ZThe original 1906 south boundary is still visible from the trailhead parking lot. Sandy soil changes the vegetation composition periodically along this trail. The large number of small rolling hills makes this a more challenging cross-country ski trail.
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7 {* A7 _+ ~& Z因为在国家公园里,所以需要National Park Pass或者买门票.
' q) D/ `# V9 J e9 P, ^9 y6 A星期六5月22日下午一点半在Trail head,也就是这个地方集合喽.
4 X: `5 B. ~8 I% O+ Y; j, n$ `& ~6 h% G6 ^5 c: g
需要或提供carpool的在下面跟贴好了,我的车视情况大概有1-3个位置.... |