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[聚会] 特大消息,CEC技术移民不给雅思基本没戏--10年3月10号政府公文-具体请进。

鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-3-10 17:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/dep ... 2010/2010-03-10.asp' C& u, V9 z) a' x, ^6 V* d

' m, }; w8 R8 R, x. m9 K' j* kNews ReleaseImprovements to proof of language rules will increase fairness, reduce delays, says Immigration Minister1 q. ~) G- `# T4 n$ _) `  \
# ^) ?4 b2 _* V3 F
Ottawa, March 10, 2010 — The Government of Canada is streamlining the process for assessing the language skills of applicants to the Federal Skilled Worker and Canadian Experience classes, Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney announced today.  x4 K; R, M6 b( J% P
1 ~- S2 d) H1 m
“The language requirements themselves have not changed,” said Minister Kenney. “But beginning April 10, 2010, prospective immigrants will be required to prove their English and French language abilities at the time they apply. This requirement supports our commitment to fast, fair and efficient application processing.”
5 N& o# N+ {& z# W
4 I7 Q/ u5 |8 xPreviously, to prove language ability in French or English, applicants could either submit an independent, third-party test or a written submission to a visa officer. The written submission was intended for people whose first language is either English or French. However, many applicants whose first language was not English or French were taking advantage of the written submission. The submission wouldn’t adequately prove their ability and they would have to provide further evidence, leading to processing delays that could take months.
$ S3 s* L" y( ~1 W1 V, I
4 D$ i" B5 u$ F) |“We expect that applicants will have the language skills they claim on their application. Now, applicants in these categories will have only one opportunity to prove their language ability,” said Minister Kenney. “They can still make a written submission to a visa officer if they wish, but only once.”
: j: s6 @4 b- P. U; \% d5 Y! l1 z0 e. i! R
For faster, fairer processing, all applicants are encouraged to submit independent, third-party language test results. The language test gives applicants a clear indication of their ability before they apply. When submitting written proof, applicants don’t know what their results will be until their application is assessed by the visa officer, after a formal application and fees are lodged with Citizenship and Immigration Canada.0 d$ x9 E4 G  c* `' j! E
; A& E* q- @+ {. X& J
“We strongly encourage applicants whose first language isn’t English or French to take a language test,” said Minister Kenney. “We don’t want immigrants to be surprised if their written submission doesn’t match their reported ability, and they don’t get the desired assessment.”
) b' W2 G; c( [/ w; v) u, H
' `1 b# a' ?5 q) H; w: j6 g- s: IAn immigrant’s English or French language ability is one of the strongest predictors of their success in the job market. Canadian Experience Class applicants must meet minimum language requirements based on the job they do. On a selection grid worth 100 points in total, Federal Skilled Workers can be awarded up to 24 points for their official language ability.% Q' q4 {, h- s  ^) d

* Z- a# p# K$ e. \1 A$ bFurther information about language requirements for applicants is available at www.cic.gc.ca." L$ W5 }; H$ z9 Y  r  D
+ C; b- ^) @; E" Z: [
For further information (media only), please contact:
$ V2 h: @# f4 a+ T9 p' R$ [' x% {: J" z/ e  U5 C
Alykhan Velshi
! Q1 h9 n2 |2 P; J4 \5 zMinister’s Office
" s- p- _1 q% f1 }- |Citizenship and Immigration Canada
8 [; t) W* P" y- B+ X8 rMedia Relations( Z8 R: ~- I% f. m' M* m
Communications Branch; q; g$ j) ~: S
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
# ~6 K: `! m! X6 R0 K613-952-1650
2 T( c& t% [9 Y, k) ^  V& S: bCIC-Media-Relations@cic.gc.ca
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-3-11 12:08 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-3-11 18:37 | 显示全部楼层
从2010年4月10日开始, 在提出移民申请时就需要证明自己的语言能力! f. L, M' f% Y, C7 u  M

) f/ j0 H. S" R% ?1 C+ i7 M9 H# G(世界日报) 联邦移民部长康尼宣布,从4月10日开始,技术移民和加拿大经验类别移民在提出移民申请时就需要证明自己的语言能力。证明语言能力的考试成绩只能递交一次。
* _, m* D- ~& S8 S0 h1 g" n  Q+ q+ [( `9 C9 h
( A2 \/ G; _4 ?) G& _. S( }0 b0 ?8 o5 @  X& k  K) Q. X
在此之前,移民申请人要证明自己的英语和法语能力,可以向移民官提供独立语言测试成绩或者是一篇写作文章,提供写作文章主要是针对英语或法语是母语的移民申请人,但是很多母语不是英语和法语的人士也会利用写作文章这个选项,而这些写作文章并不一定能够证明他们的语言水平,他们的申请可能会被耽误,时间可能长达数月。  r( k- v9 z  x( V! \" N

( q) v$ P7 J# M9 t4 a/ ?康尼表示,移民部希望移民申请人具备他们在申请表格上所列的语言能力,现在申请人只有一个机会证明自己的语言能力,除语言考试之外,他们仍然可以提供写作文章,但是也只能提供一次。
2 A+ j: Z$ r3 k9 a/ s! i
3 d& r! o. o7 C# F: `/ ]# g移民部建议申请人提供独立语言测试成绩,这样可以帮助申请得到更快捷和公正的处理。与提交写作文章相比,语言测试可以让申请人在提出申请之前对自己的语言水平有一个清楚的了解,而提交写作文章则必须是在缴纳申请费和移民官员审理之后才能够知道语言水平是否达标。
0 W/ ?% |+ c4 ^5 E' K1 C& e  f4 B4 L6 m( b
7 ?1 Y$ O9 k: j9 M3 j/ K  w& G/ y6 y) @3 u+ E  {
2 X3 }- i/ R* n$ k: v1 x: M% C# S* @
- v9 ]) Q/ s/ s4 E! `* w$ D移民部推出这个新规定的原因主要是申请移民加拿大的人很多,移民部为了更快筛选语言合格的申请人,所以现在只允许一次递交语言考试成绩,以前申请人如果语言考试成绩不理想,在提出申请之后可以重考,然后再递新的成绩上去,但是现在只给一个递成绩的机会,如果这个成绩并不理想,就不能再补充,建议申请人如果语言考试成绩不理想,就要考好后再递交移民申请。
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-4-8 18:33 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
wa, my friend is so lucky, she applied CEC last year 2009 June and mailed her file to the office on Sept, and she didn't take the exam, but got 2 approve letter form her job manager and the HR department. so she passed and got landed this year 2010 Feb. good for her :)
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-5-18 20:43 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-5-20 09:22 | 显示全部楼层


身价千万引发经济效应武汉卓圃生物科技有限公司' i) E/ C5 K8 J( J' t

, _& M  [" w2 o) i& @( S5 }武汉卓圃生物科技有限公司www.whzp168.com在19日谢家的明星已经到达三代,Lucas如今已然是大明星,一个挥手一个回眸就能令众生癫狂、轻松攀上娱乐头条。而5月12日刚刚出生的锋芝次子“二少爷”,更是甫一出生就被传媒头条和封面热炒,俨然成为华人娱乐界一时盛事。如今,更传闻有广告商开价八位数字请两位谢少爷拍广告,更犀利的是“二少爷”出生带旺明星家族,每位成员都身价飙升,连传媒也沾光、短期内不再为头条和封面发愁。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-5-22 07:55 | 显示全部楼层
路过 ,感谢分享
鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2010-5-22 10:32 | 显示全部楼层
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