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[招聘信息] 各位在找labour工的新移民看过来---City of Edmonton的夏季labour工作机会

鲜花(40) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2010-3-5 23:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 犀牛图拉 于 2010-3-6 00:17 编辑
; [% w! z' I: X9 u$ R
, a: D. R0 Z9 {- h! `https://edmonton.taleo.net/careersection/2/jobdetail.ftl7 U2 d" C  g* b  c
感兴趣的就赶快在线申请吧,似乎只能先通过网络申请,他们会打电话约面试时间的。他们很快就会招满人的,今年才招300人。+ c: e; ?- [) K0 ]% c9 k
/ s% l, k3 e- u, N8 q! b
这个工作非常适合4月份ESL结束,但9月份继续开学要念书,中间4个月可能没收入需要打工的人;或者是学生找暑期工作的。而且非常锻炼英语听说能力,因为很可能就你一个中国移民。今年刚进去的labour I 起薪17块多,偶尔轮上夜班或者周末班工资还高些。好处是今年你进去干了4个月,告诉他们9月份要上学退出工作的话,明年夏天如果你还想回去干活,直接就可以回去的,那样就等于保证每年暑假有一份工作了。那样回去工作还累积第一年的工作时间,工资还要高些。而且即便这是city的临时工,也会有city的payroll No.,有利于以后申请city的其他permenant工作。
$ B- i$ J" Z* M) |. z' f
4 w3 c. X9 }. N1 I  Z干这份工作的有很多洋人学生,也有些老洋人是愿意长期在里面干的,一年干8个月,回家领4个月EI(冬天也有可能一直干到圣诞节才回家),来年夏天再回去干,就这样周而复始一直等到有机会转成permemant labour的那一天,哈哈。中国人一般不会那样消磨时间,但作为学习期间养家糊口的工作还不错的。! g  q& S# ]( Z! B

$ E% ^/ A9 z4 o7 L- z我家里人之前在里面做过,说虽然是labour工,但感觉并不累,收入还比一般的labour工要好,里面都有好几个洋人女学生在工作。他之前去面试也很简单,基本上就聊了十几分钟人家就问什么时候能来上班,就OK啦。他英文不好,刚来时候linc测试也就4-5的样子,口语尤其磕巴,但他敢张嘴胡说;面试他的supervisor说没关系做这工作这样的英语就够啦。他在里面上班一个夏天,英语听说倒是长进了不少。
鲜花(40) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-3-5 23:50 | 显示全部楼层
好像那个链接无效啊,我把内容贴过来,感兴趣的自己去city网站上根据job no.搜索后申请吧
7 I+ j1 f1 Y7 `# R" l: n+ O- m$ `8 ^" Y9 R- f1 h! U1 p3 B2 W, ]
Job Description
2 Q9 K* ?/ t8 J: [/ [9 j( b$ Y & e  q  Q9 I$ ^/ @
Seasonal Labourer I  r' X, H0 k# h1 D3 `
Job Number: 4418% Z9 X! t0 E1 m! Q: i( v& w' o

$ b' J( q9 A, E4 KThis is a temporary position that may continue for approximately 8 months.  Apply on this requisition only once, as your application will be considered for all positions until all positions have been filled. : X$ c  W5 m9 \% g5 u7 D4 W9 v

. `7 k, H& }4 K' x. B. sAs a Seasonal Labourer I, you will perform specific duties which vary with Departments and involve performing general labouring duties that may include:2 d# b& Q8 G) t  C8 q: J

% v. k. r7 P/ p+ sDrainage Services, Asset Management & Public Works Department
( O% w9 P+ T7 R! E' V• Repairing sewer services, main lines and pumping stations; cleaning sewer and drainage systems by low pressure flushing; assisting drainage servicemen in inspecting, rodding and televising sewer services; repairing manholes and catchbasins; assisting equipment operators in performing high pressure flushing and vacuum cleaning activities.
" n9 M% ~% A  D5 {8 F4 K3 C
5 `1 F6 U! u2 b
5 n1 ~/ e& h- }/ l$ o  JParks, Asset Management & Public Works Department
7 F7 `7 s1 _% C( W6 d' P• Maintenance of parks: mowing, herbiciding and sanitation of turf, shrub and flower bed maintenance, marking & maintaining sports fields, playground inspections and servicing.& w  {, B- |/ B' t* ]) d
• Construction of parks: manual labour using hand tools such as shovels, rakes and stake pounders.7 G! ]2 b0 G0 j5 K  {% V# L( C5 M/ x
• Park service and trail maintenance: including sanitation of picnic sites, amenity buildings, repair of signs, roadways, trail surfaces, irrigation & homeless camps.  n4 }& T4 v1 p9 v
• Forestry operations including various arboriculture tasks - assist in the development and maintenance of the urban forest.
) K! z3 ]; \7 d; l+ @' Y% V( F" O• Possession of a valid Pesticide Applicators license is an asset.
4 c" c% [' _" l& ]& r• Labourers may be provided with rate up opportunities where required.9 R: n0 n( [1 H5 i$ H

5 s; V: P  i7 M* ^( uRoadway Maintenance / Traffic Field Operations, Transportation Department
% R- U; @0 J9 E5 r; W0 B• Asphalt/concrete repairs, cracksealing, and paving.3 i; B/ J6 P, l  V
• Performing structural concrete/steel duties on bridge maintenance. (Must be able to work at various heights.)
# E8 y9 i: s* g$ y" t7 V• Pouring, spreading, tamping and leveling soil, sand, gravel and concrete.' `( z- }/ f. m# y  }
• Working in traffic during street construction/maintenance projects., `! E9 K' f$ M. H
• Installation, maintenance and removal of road markings, traffic / detour control devices.8 O8 K! i6 @: [& b( ?& O* A/ F

5 R5 t1 N4 n  G! @& K0 ~+ i& H% O5 M! n1 X8 s1 M- p4 G" N4 [
Community Facility Services Branch, Community Services Department (Fort Edmonton Park, Valley Zoo, Cemeteries, Muttart Conservatory, City-owned Golf Courses)
3 K) T! N$ B: n; C• Golf course, driving range, and grounds maintenance including turf mowing, fertilizer and pesticide application.. U; q) F3 \4 b7 r3 n, ~2 M1 L% Q
• Interments at cemeteries; concrete pouring of foundations and markers; monument restoration.( C$ c* k0 R  p" l6 j
• Operating and performing minor maintenance with equipment such as: small hand tools, push lawn mowers, trimmers, edgers, small rototillers, and chain saws.0 T" F& }+ A& E# ]* k: h) [. V
• Set up and take down of furniture and equipment for events and bookings at Recreation Facilities.' h+ V: [3 _9 e! C3 H' a& o7 {
• Assists with on-going general facility maintenance and cleaning at Recreation Facilities.
) I+ a, D' r9 B1 D- b( r
: t: M/ a: a4 {# _  J# f. b0 BFunctions of all positions:
, Y% B) p2 d7 Q8 _: `. j9 a6 G6 s• Loading and unloading materials from trucks.! M! T: q6 S; @, L1 _, `
• Assisting tradesman and more experienced staff & performing other related duties as required.
; F. J0 z. S. r6 q) } 2 S! j* ]0 q5 O; }
Qualifications:• Completion of the tenth (10th) school grade is required for all areas except Drainage Services. Drainage Services requires the completion of the twelfth (12th) school grade.  Must be indicated on your application/resume.. p9 j2 B8 v3 j; P
• Possession of a valid Motor Vehicle Operator's License. Must be indicated on your application/resume.
) H4 {% x3 A6 F! P5 A! b• Where required to operate a City vehicle, successful candidates must attain a City driving permit upon appointment.6 T$ P# ^1 Y( i7 l$ b
• Physically capable of performing heavy labour work for extended periods of time under various weather and traffic conditions.
" W- [" u. P$ S1 F( q! t( V• Manual dexterity to operate simple hand and/or power tools and small equipment.- w: }1 L" O7 j. V8 |' z
• Ability to follow oral and written instructions.
+ h' i; j' m0 e7 X0 T+ R• Team player & self-motivated as there is a possibility of working alone on scheduled shift.
/ f5 x0 M7 `; G( t4 Y: B9 N! {% U• Where appropriate, applicants may be required to participate in job specific tests.
7 v0 v, M- D  d' r! L• NOTE: Where applicable, candidates will be required to obtain a Security Clearance letter from the Edmonton Police Service as a condition of employment.) M2 G6 h/ o" `" p7 X

: z- \" V' D1 z( h8 V, oHOURS OF WORK: Up to 40 hours per week.  Hours of work will vary with each position.  These positions may be subject to shift work, providing coverage 7 days per week.  Please indicate if you are interested in shift work.& ]( ]- G* Q3 z' `+ Q# r0 c9 f

5 n% t; ~- i- B+ k/ J3 p' BSALARY RANGE: 10M, Salary Grade: 063, starting at $17.327 (Hourly) to $24.025 (Hourly).  Rates are based on employee status and length of service in CUPE 30. The rates quoted are in accordance with an agreement between the Union and the City.
, t+ ?6 U4 S: p5 k # z0 S' c4 q) g# I. |
GENERAL: CUPE Local 30 members are requested to send a copy of their application to the union. The City of Edmonton thanks all applicants for their interest in this employment opportunity. Those candidates considered for the position will be contacted.
2 b5 g& I' t- p4 \& N! n( u9 v4 ?, E
; ?0 O# f5 U' |0 R4 P- B" ]. b 1 C/ N. L4 L8 U) G

9 L4 F  M- d- x3 F' L6 OClassification Title: Labourer I9 c7 h1 z2 I& a3 q
Posted On: Mar 1, 2010
- q5 H4 l. N4 c; pClosing Date - 11:00pm on: Mar 22, 2010$ e( g2 h; `! U* ?
Number of Openings (up to): 300 - Temporary Full-time' K7 D8 g3 Y3 [! z
Union: CUPE Local 30% r) ?3 @: I2 }* M+ j" {) j
Department: City Wide
2 W5 o, \+ x- U5 eWork Location(s):
鲜花(40) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-3-6 00:13 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 犀牛图拉 于 2010-3-6 00:14 编辑 . D, F" e7 u/ f/ E! V

- \5 g. Z! s1 E6 R9 s; b申请小tip:3 s% T. z) W3 ~+ {& g

4 @! U) L' ?' Q" _, F0 ^: J6 G1.早起的鸟儿有食吃,要申请的话尽快,越快越好,别拖
: f8 C% e0 S# d% H" x* `' t9 v( j" q! l; i; N* n% W6 ~
* Z6 Q0 Q& Q3 r. ~/ Q6 ^( N1 A例如:小时候种过树,就肯定会挖坑啊;帮landlord修过公寓草皮,就会用除草机啊;捣鼓过自己家自行车,就算会修理简单机械;送过报纸flyer的,就会搬运货物啊。。。。。。诸如此类的技能多选择几项。
" O: A: L2 [% Z$ ]. x+ u: F4 h& c# x# C2 u" l/ E1 k4 f- e, G
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-3-6 11:11 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
LZ真是好同志,谢谢。, B' K5 N) ~, s5 k  Y
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-3-6 22:35 | 显示全部楼层
可惜没有 驾照。。。。看来是不可以申请了
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-3-7 08:46 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-3-7 23:19 | 显示全部楼层

- n/ T. e: g+ Q* U" u  x$ z2 |谢谢楼主分享。。。
6 a" W  [! W6 |6 wEmployment Opportunity / City of Edmonton Community Services! `) ~8 Z; \4 }, E
EdmontonTO APPLY Online & further details, visit: PostDocJob.com.cn; i9 e" N1 Z2 j7 V! G4 C  f  R: ?
需要找工作的朋友可以上Post Doc Job(postdocjob.com.cn)搜索一下工作职位,目前很多公司正在招人(全职和兼职),这个招聘网站是英文版的,所以英文不好的朋友可以借助翻译软件,希望能对失业的朋友有些帮助!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-3-10 17:28 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(40) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-3-12 16:30 | 显示全部楼层
如果申请得早,也就一个星期左右就会打电话给你约面试时间,面试完当场决定要不要你。$ [( t0 }1 k0 q* A& U* y: B1 S
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