鲜花( 35) 鸡蛋( 0)
本帖最后由 莫迭儿 于 2010-3-1 21:07 编辑 9 V. Q4 ^7 A( M2 C. v& m# R" k3 A( x7 l
; D- n3 C/ k3 _& G+ S3 t
2 l6 Q @& c" F1 B0 j p
( b: d1 Z) q' o: G; X
" k$ w) f6 T/ r0 r+ J问:Preschool, Playschool, Daycare and Kindergarten 区别) b; U* G6 K3 x! U
5 j% n, B; E @7 k" M2 Z精华回答:9 X# G x, c7 x5 f
7 r0 U3 L/ T; c; ^$ R/ A-by 三思 Jan. 2007
W; s3 c( g- ^1 K; a/ V8 f: p7 G- V W8 G v
daycare多大孩子都收,整天的,收钱多,一月600左右吧(Year 2004)。目的是工作的家长日托孩子。
. D: C5 _0 ^9 I# H, x) F5 t. M
y" M8 Q, p: x9 \4 r5 K. A7 H( O+ Q" Zpreschool,3-5岁,一周2-3次,每次2-3小时,收费少,一月60元(Year 2004)左右,家长要轮流作helper.目的要是让小孩子接触小孩子.
* W; g" ] D+ m" c3 \4 Z1 P
$ R* M0 n% |/ D1 w2 U s" Tkindergarten, 5岁,一周5次,每次半天。不收钱。目的是学前班。: z' w+ G0 k4 P8 X5 |$ Q
-by 三思 Dec. 2004" C$ j3 a/ J# v1 h) j1 K
9 H: i; Q1 y) Y/ {1 ?0 W- e6 _4 w我在TODAY'S PARENT 杂志电子版的论坛上也问了这个问题. 其中一个回答如下. 希望对大家有启发. 看来还是要实地考察, 了解具体情况.
3 h9 O3 h5 n/ r+ b: _* d1.Is day care mainly free play, while preschool is more structured with music, craft, alphabet...1 O1 {) v. U+ Y5 h
A daycare centre will not usually be all free play, though there is some -- ours has a daily schedule, circle time, sensory play, snack time, outside time, crafts etc. DS is a Toddler, 18 mos - 2.5 years, then he'll move to the Preschool group -- they do do a few more activities like skating trips etc. I agree with PP that a daycare for will be open longer (ours is open 7-6) and kids will be there for varying lengths of time, while a preschool would be more like school hours. 6 W6 H. ~) Y/ o
, s# I: p- |( K. F2.Some Montessori are day cares (enrollment only by space avalibility), and others are preschools(child interview needed to enrol). What's the difference?
( g) d7 f& g" a2 W+ I3 K
8 n4 c6 z# r/ b! r& }5 zMontessori is a philisophy of education but the name can be used by anyone -- so anyone can call themselves Montessori, if you really want a Montessori school you need to make sure it is accredited (and research the method to make sure it's for you). It is my (very limited) understanding that true Montessori education starts around 2.5-3, so a daycare that takes kids younger probably wouldn't do much different than your average daycare.6 K, _5 G4 v5 p# Q& r2 S
--By Newland Jan. 2007
, Q1 ?* \/ U4 M: g2 Z* ]6 V( V) U
) F% V' o0 U- _& Kpreschool或playschool通常没有真正意义上的full-time,特别是不象daycare照顾孩子时间长。# ^' q+ R, b) u& c5 O0 C1 v
daycare强调care,就是吃喝拉撒,老师的主要责任就是负责孩子的生活起居,玩乐。free play 时间长。
! E. F, s3 r/ Ipreschool倾向学前教育,如教数字,ABC,阅读一点点...当然也有音乐什么的,针对3岁至5,6岁孩子
/ O% d5 W G$ c9 P: j. D# Cplayschool更强调玩,寓教于乐,任何年龄
8 k3 x" e3 {5 |0 I( D/ {4 k7 i3 Ppreschool 和playschool时间不如daycare长,即使有每天都有的,也应该是运营8点到4点左右的时间吧!& r. ]; [) f' n: A6 u! _/ m
* p" N s/ h4 R7 D6 b6 a+ `4 @. X4 P很多daycare到3-5岁年龄也有些preschool的program。如circle time,围圈圈唱歌,也有做手工,画画等( f" p+ S4 y- u& G( O
上班上学的家长不得不选择daycare,条件若是允许,可以另一家长选择Part-time上班,送小孩子去preschool或playschool5 a- ^% X9 Y: S$ S+ W; `0 E% j
从师资力量上,preschool 和playschool的老师通常比daycare强。preschool 和playschool的条件也相应 比daycare好。场地大等,设备多...program设计好。- k1 o: x3 i: a( G9 y
+ z. M! O5 B, x我女儿原来在playschool,老师基本都是教育经验丰富的。我看墙上贴的老师证书有二级三级,或幼儿教育专业毕业的大专学历的证书。$ Y7 K5 p. |4 |) o1 j
5 n- y1 W9 W" I5 h* N
-by 莫迭儿 Jan. 20074 @4 j/ T1 t8 H1 p
: |1 \8 Z5 f/ G5 Q n
- k# Y1 t" R4 c3 j# L/ Z1 h! j8 C Q/ @8 C# m+ q4 r
5 R" X7 I0 K+ j$ y1.Preschool,早教学校,(0-5岁)。 实体时指学龄前孩子上的partime的营利,非营利的学校。可能是家长陪,也可能不是,看孩子年纪。Daycare 用preshool education说明他们给孩子施以早期教育,对象多是3-4岁或3-5岁的学前儿童。如学ABC,counting,etc。
0 `# N7 J& u. O& x7 N a& h8 l/ c# [: I" k1 d1 `7 ^: O
2.playschool,寓教于乐的学校。Play based, 更强调玩,然后才是学。在爱城只有听说partime的playschool,一周2-3个半天,有的需要大人陪玩的,有的不需要。playschool与preshool有时没有严格定界,年纪上一般是指0-5岁。1 x! p! K k6 N* B0 Q+ Q" h
3 s% T6 ?* [1 G! g! h, `3.Kindergarten,狭义上指在小学一年级前开的学前班,属加拿大义务教育体系。所以,在小学的Grade K(Kindergarten)是免费的,有的学校每周5个半天,少数的5个全天。广义上,指5岁到6岁上小学前的孩子上的班
$ K E" K+ l1 o! Y0 M- S3 Y: S--很多daycare也会提出他们有kindergarten班 。这种情况下,kindergarten当然是收费的,而且,还应该称之为day care或 kinder care。中文我会叫幼儿园。
* Q: e, X j$ j' x# g. y* b- T0 X
0 Q" Q+ a9 n+ G4.Daycare,我直接翻译作托儿所,家长可以把孩子往里一托了事,partime 或 fulltime随家长与托儿所协议。方便上班学习父母,更省心的托儿所。而preschool, playschool, kindergarten上学多是partime的,特别是preschool和playschool,一般一个家长需要是full time在家,或part time在照料宝宝,带宝宝上这些早教/玩乐学校。8 a3 o& n, L. N9 @# }9 P
% z, q8 j- l4 j; a! o( h
以上很难界定,都有交叉涵盖,就象中文的幼儿园,托儿所,学前班,早教班,周末学校...学校自己爱怎么叫怎么叫。-By 莫迭儿 Nov. 2008 |
鲜花鸡蛋tony1979 在2014-10-3 14:47 送朵鲜花 并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下 carolynlyy 在2012-11-29 15:51 送朵鲜花 并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下