鲜花( 1) 鸡蛋( 0)
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发表于 2004-7-13 10:36
Edmonton International Street Performers Festival (三)
这些艺术家在表演之后都会用各种方式暗示或者明说希望各位观众给点钱...;D 一般会有帽子,袜子这样的东东等着你...小朋友们会转身向大人要钱然后很兴奋的扔到帽子里...另外这些表演的时候一个很普遍的现象是邀请观众参与,尤其是在无年龄限制的情况下往往会邀请坐在前排伸手最高的小朋友...而往往表演者也会要求观众们给与这些小朋友一些掌声来鼓励他们...; H5 \ {7 M5 p+ p) G
4 z% {$ e5 ^' M
赫赫,关于扔多少钱,这里写着呢:* t7 b4 [% h% F
Street performers pass their hats for your donations – that’s how they make their living. We encourage you to bring lots of loonies and twoonies to the festival (if you run out, we supply change at the Rogers Wireless Information Station). We encourage you to be as generous as possible.
* d$ I- v, N6 `* U: @6 P' Z$ @9 p" K
5 w8 y) S4 {; M, E5 Q7 z# k6 M见到一个小男孩在看完一场演出后极为兴奋的冲着他妈妈要10元...当然,妈妈只掏除了一个又一个一元的黄色钢蹦...小男孩最后只能兴奋的拿着这个1元冲到表演者的帽子前...扔了进去...6 ^9 c; o* l* q- D
: x- z6 Z i' e( t6 k" W( A3 B ?
看完蹦床表演,抬头仔细看看前面的公园...赫赫,怎一个人满为患啊...到处是金色的,褐色的,白色的,黑色的,红色的...各色的头发在晃动...不过比起去年在CN Tower下的丛丛人群中的众多黑头发黄皮肤的比起来,这里看上去亚裔人种的比例不算太高...当然后来证实这个想法是有失偏颇的...估计还是很多人不知道这个活动...
( g8 x$ a: x6 A# t ?% K$ |4 q) p% Z4 n) }: ] r
5 m9 I/ k. T& z+ E6 u$ i. }$ D9 k2 | }6 L+ j( D/ S
就在我们看完蹦床表演的旁边,一位老兄坐在个小凳子上,前面一排半满的酒瓶子,当然地上有个盒子,里面已经不少的纸币和钢蹦了...这个Glass Harmonica Player叫Furry Eggs,他是从纽约来的艺术家...关于他的节目介绍是这样的:% p3 J) G6 B0 C, A! _- d) K
' ^' J5 ]; ?4 e* K
6 D# ?9 b* s! W1 D: U" x
F8 M8 t9 f3 t# oEd Stander is one of only 12 “Angelica” players in the world. No wonder – the instrument, a musical place setting of crystal glasses, was once thought to cause insanity. These days, listening to the strange and beautiful music of the Angelica is more likely to inspire awe. Don’t miss “Furry Eggs” as Ed Stander makes a return appearance to StreetFest., }& A# L* D" o% [$ R! w$ F1 J( u
7 S% G$ l. y/ H, ]; q" d
这个表演者的旁边又有孩子们闻成的一个圈子,是这个节目:Space Animators,表演者Bedlam Oz
- @: C+ i- o1 \ \9 s% Sfrom Australia....Bedlam Oz is a world theatre company that animates spaces with style, elegance and grace. They have built a reputation for visually stunning, highly choreographed theatre, driven by original soundtracks. They have performed in over 30 countries on 5 continents transcending international language barriers with their physical theatre style. Bedlam Oz will be represented at StreetFest 2004 by performers Christopher Hobart and Claire Russell. Stretching to 6 metres high, twisting and curling into a ball, these “slinkies” thrill their audience with a playful performance. Join in with the oohs and ahhhs as you witness their charming story of “Slinkie Love”.6 v, h% ^( ?, Q; P2 c
9 M7 k6 z2 V; N4 p5 k# X2 F) q* M
3 @+ n+ J1 @( ]( n说实话这个节目看起来有点像中国的柔术或者杂技那样的表演,不过中间邀请了大朋友,小朋友的参与,形式更活泼而生动些....8 i! ]! g0 z" H) H. y( x6 x7 b5 O
/ v* `# R( @$ p7 b9 Y6 c! T正在看着这个节目,她的西侧传来了一群轰笑声...于是拽着老公跑到旁边的圈子里...只见圈子中间一个人在用各种滑稽动作表演着小杂技,比如顶盘子,扔接小碗这样的把戏,圈子内还有个骑着三轮车的人,当然这时候一个特殊的三轮车...这个红色的倒骑的三轮车的前部是一个小钢琴...骑车的人可以一边蹬车一边弹琴了...赫赫,弹琴的就是这位老兄:Hokum W. Jeebs, from Washington,他的那个车琴叫Vaudevillian...! r f3 S8 ?: u4 P7 r5 b5 H2 q
' G$ |$ A0 c& P0 W
The tradition of the traveling vaudeville performer lives on in the unlikely and delightful form of Hokum W. Jeebs. Hokum started his professional career falling off piano benches for laughs at community talent shows in his native Syracuse, New York. A degree in Music Education led to a job teaching elementary and junior high music. On weekends he played ragtime in bars, directed musical theatre and was a church choir conductor. Four years later he packed his trunks and headed west to the streets of San Francisco – the training ground of many unusual acts.
8 t9 L5 ]* Y& R$ Y9 V# c) m0 }( W
% i9 b* g+ H3 AHis street show developed into a classic vaudeville style act that has now been performed in thousands of places as varied as Orlando, Sydney, Anchorage, Tokyo and Edmonton. In 1992, Hokum settled in West Seattle and co-founded “Hokum Hall” – a not-for-profit performance space featuring vaudeville, ragtime, silent movies and a mighty Wurlitzer Theatre Pipe Organ. His PIANO A LA CART – a piano on a tricycle – is featured at many state fairs and festivals across North America. He is happy to be bringing his trunk and truck full of musical tricks back to Edmonton for StreetFest 2004.- L% R" H4 b& S- e
其实这个节目很引人瞩目的另一个很重要的原因还在于圈中那个表演者的表演...非常的搞笑...赫赫,最好是自己亲自看看的哦...如果没有记错,中间那个表演者应该是Rob Torres, from New York, Clown...
. {8 d/ n! _8 w6 Q2 ~: x3 z" N& j/ j6 j; N
; R0 [+ l* O2 J, B7 Y0 _
If actions speak louder than words, Rob Torres screams fun. Whether he’s changing his clothes, setting the table, or just sitting down, his unique way of finding absurdity in common everyday tasks will leave you laughing. Rob’s blend of circus skills and physical comedy makes all his shows memorable events... no matter what language you speak. Rob has performed on stages, streets and cruise ships around the world. StreetFest is thrilled to have him return to Edmonton with his ever-popular circle shows and his indoor show “Funeee Fellows in Comedy Shorts” which will be part of the festival’s 2004 “Street to the Stage Series”.
1 P# D# Q" F7 R/ H8 m; R! h6 S. C) y @4 E# w1 y; `. j3 a7 ^
[ Last edited by liuyuemoli on 2004-7-13 at 01:51 PM ] |