昨晚,粑粑抚摸着Emblem,忽然在它的左前腋下摸到一个软软的、圆圆的肿块。经过麻麻仔细翻检确认,确实是一个存在于皮下的囊肿物。翻开它厚厚的绒毛观察皮肤颜色,呈现正常的粉红色,除了一条长约1厘米的伤疤,可能是它和Rocky打架留下的。4 N% E1 q" F5 `- m8 U& b
. q# | z% C' N6 b) F6 W
肿块摸上去手感很软,并不太像传说中肿瘤的感觉,但粑粑麻麻都不是学医的,还是很担心,癌症这个最可怕的字眼在脑海里出现了很多次。 1 X4 d3 \6 Y F. }0 P u2 H4 g* Q$ `8 R0 F如果是恶性肿瘤,病患应该是体重急剧减轻,食欲下降,精神萎靡。这几条它一点也不符合。8 S7 |5 B' h; S
* R/ B% o# K0 S/ A3 d5 r% r
称体重,Emblem不但没有体重急剧减轻,这个冬天反而肥了好几斤。9 m* z- K" j$ b" }8 D9 e' d& t
看食欲,从体重就能看出,这是个连米饭蔬菜都吃得狼吞虎咽的饿死鬼。 6 }# W# H) c. K! Y n9 V# L5 h瞧精神,每天和Rocky对骂,上蹿下跳,最渴望的事就是出门撒欢儿。6 m( \4 h; n3 Y
$ F: b0 w) K# V; J' l- y那会是什么呢?; |- F( i2 B% v$ {* N E
3 h9 N! O- g% A( Q z* L
昨夜带着满腹的忧患入睡,梦里见到Emblem形销骨立,不得不面临痛苦的抉择——安乐死。 . R @( |. U* b4 S9 w; ~, `: ^. g7 ?8 x' _' R; k0 ~/ s: G" a
8点钟就翻身起床,给兽医打电话预约到了下午3:40就诊。" J s1 L0 }1 d; @& [+ ~9 }! d
Emblem没事就好!我家猫咪也9岁了,每天不管多困,也总是要睡眼惺忪的跑到门口,欢迎俺回家。宠物宝贝们也有旦夕祸福,生老病死,有时想到或梦见,都是止不住心酸。只有好好宠她,让她吃得好,睡得香,玩得开心,每天被爱包裹着,度过相对短暂但绝对幸福的一生。$ f- N. w* Z! h2 d$ U
/ I# I8 `( @ a6 T/ u- t0 q* w' K! z- o, Q/ R# D
Although it's not cancer, Emblem's symptom of internal bleeding does not turn better today. The lump continues augmenting after the exsanguination. It means that he may still need some surgical operation to prevent internal bleeding and infection.
Although it's not cancer, Emblem's symptom of internal bleeding does not turn better today. The lump continues augmenting after the exsanguination. It means that he may still need some surgical op ..., y+ p& R8 J" o. ?3 S
挨着门洞 发表于 2010-2-9 10:18
Although it's not cancer, Emblem's symptom of internal bleeding does not turn better today. The lump continues augmenting after the exsanguination. It means that he may still need some surgical op ...5 ?( }5 Q- T u+ I
挨着门洞 发表于 2010-2-9 10:18
Hug hug, all in all, it is not cancer and it is curable. My cat had urinary tract blockage 2 years ago, and it reoccurred last month. Felt so stressful and sad when your pet looks frustrated and helpless. It is quite costy for such surgerical operation, but all worth it when you pet gets better and can snuggle with you again.
Good news----Last week I took him to the vet clinic. His doctor suggested to keep an eye on his lump for one more week or so, and give him antibiotics at the same time. The lump became smaller&harder gradually. After finishing all the antibiotics, he may not need a surgery any more.
Hug hug, all in all, it is not cancer and it is curable. My cat had urinary tract blockage 2 years ago, and it reoccurred last month. Felt so stressful and sad when your pet looks frustrated and help ...+ _" t; O5 L- U9 K8 I5 D
monicapharm 发表于 2010-2-17 16:41
9 L# B, {. O' T( ]2 h 7 g6 H# f3 S& [; LBlessing to your cat... # k. y" O2 ?7 L0 l; aDo you have any pet insurance coverage for him?