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Postdoctoral Fellow in Human-Computer Interaction: Interactive Flexible Display Product Design
: E: Q! A* `; U- n" kThe Human Media Lab of the School of Computing at Queen's University is inviting applications for a 3-year Postdoctoral Fellow position in Human-Computer Interaction to join a project group on Flexible Display User Interface Design.
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This project is supported by a grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). " Y2 d0 \8 ^! N. G+ n" r, R
/ g# B7 o7 w) x- m0 Y7 `1 s7 AIndustry/University Partners5 H( ?; i5 Z1 N2 T. } i
The candidate would join a collaboration with industrial partners Autodesk Research (known for their Maya and AutoCAD line of products), fuseproject (with designer Yves Behar) and the University of Tokyo's Rekimoto Lab. Opportunities exist for performing research at these institutions.
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( o3 i. S7 t5 nProject Description
3 k" V t$ v4 R, QOver the past few years, there has been a quiet revolution in display manufacturing technology: The e-ink electro-chemical pixel, combined with advances in organic thin-film circuit boards have resulted in displays that are so thin and flexible, they are beginning to resemble paper. Soon displays will completely mimic the high contrast, low power consumption and flexibility of real ink. Flexible OLED technology is also likely to cause a revolution in computer user interface design: one in which interactive computer displays can have any organic form or shape, rather than current rigid planar designs. One where the shape of the computer is the input device. One where any object, no matter how complex, dynamic or flexible its structure, can display information. This new paradigm of Organic User Interface (OUI) requires a new set of design guidelines.
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% [; A5 H: W/ I3 LThe Postdoctoral Fellow is expected to identify and perform independent research, taking the lead on collaborative research in the implementation and evaluation of Organic User Interfaces. As part of this project, the postdoctoral fellow is provided with the opportunity to work with some of the world's top designers to design new user interfaces based on new form factors allowed by flexible OLED display technologies. These forms will be related to product design. The post will involve coordination and cooperation with other researchers and product designers working on related projects; active engagement in research discussions and meetings with other project partners, formulation of project proposals, publications and presentations, and travel to meetings and conferences in varying locations. The researcher will be based at the Human Media Lab in Kingston Ontario.
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# G; \1 x! y4 ZApplication Criteria3 d4 t) k I! l9 U* p$ J
The deadline for applications is February 14th, 2010. The applicant will have a PhD in a related area, with a strong publication record, a strong interest or background in one of industrial design, human computer interaction, computer science or mechanical engineering. . Q7 c' M" j6 R% }. {+ I
+ e' k$ l |$ M! T5 kFunding P l9 B3 c+ Y1 l3 G
The postdoctoral stipend is approximately CAD$44,000 per annum, for three years. This stipend is typically topped up by an NSERC or equivalent international postdoctoral fellowship award, for which the successful candidate is expected to apply.
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Information and Application/ g" I3 A7 F* B' ?, @2 L+ q
Please contact Dr. Roel Vertegaal at roel [ at ] cs.queensu.ca for further information about the project.
& N- Z; q& ^% ~. y' }; ZPlease tag your email with the subject line "Postdoctoral Fellow".
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: _& U; i' ^# m3 t( C5 ?* bAbout the Human Media Lab# s; n* M( G0 u Q/ p
The Human Media Lab is one of Canada's premier laboratories for high-tech research in Human Computer Interaction. It employs a growing team of 8 students, that will be housed in our new headquarters, designed by world-famous designer Karim Rashid. The Human Media Lab is part of the School of Computing, one of the top five departments in Computing in Canada. Queen's University is consistently ranked the top 2 university in Canada, according to Maclean's magazine.0 v; n8 l3 z$ ]( _3 k0 ~9 E
Links) j: a& p" k0 O1 A- t' e% Z
For more information about the Human Media Lab, visit http://www.humanmedialab.org
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