正在定upgrade, 我要求在正门的台阶和平台侧安装护栏,但builder写: 5 X$ w6 ^3 N7 l$ |2 g9 OClients would like railing at exterior front landing. *Railing will only be installed if required by city building code. ( V) Y! B+ f8 P2 U请问city building code 是否要求在正门的台阶和平台侧安装护栏?正门的台阶有3级,安装护栏目的是为了安全,特别是小孩的安全。2 `0 `5 @1 I! `; u- Y$ d
1#jzcdj: f# @) m, L+ l. E9 r s
Even it is not required by code, builder would not refuse, I think, if you agree to pay extra. % Z5 o9 m) K) S0 G! ^+ \+ t" M# C
OR $ p( f+ e- p/ {1 V/ n% GGet someone else to install it after you take possession. No big deal at all.
正在定upgrade, 我要求在正门的台阶和平台侧安装护栏,但builder写:$ B) s) N, J0 x( n6 s9 p
Clients would like railing at exterior front landing. *Railing will only be installed if required by city building code. : S7 H0 }3 _' }3 W2 E6 J请问city bu ... ) W7 u7 `- C, S& [6 Ujzcdj 发表于 2010-2-2 01:31
9 b- p! T5 j$ J' @/ Q7 S9 Y
2 I! R4 ]- n. a! w- b. i$ u我的builder landmark平台侧的木头护栏是standard,no extra money needed.8 H- @. ?1 S/ V3 |* W
我没见到过在正门台阶上安装护栏的,应该不是building code吧。deck的护栏应该重视一下,小孩子在后院活动的时间比较多吧。
I haven't checked code, but my framer says 3 steps in the front doesn't need railing. I asked him to put railing for me anyway. It looks much better.( A5 Z) V8 U8 e! F
) n5 z) b0 A7 wYou are going to need railing for back deck!