鲜花( 24)  鸡蛋( 0)
不想跑路的话还是推荐在埃德蒙顿的意大利领馆签,一般等一周,不过很容易。3 b9 S+ @8 b: ^4 v
其他据说荷兰也不错,也是一周左右到手7 A4 J* }' W& N4 v- f
ermite 发表于 2010-2-2 23:41  : i* N/ k5 u: _$ i3 W" s
9 j. e) f; \/ w# J- Y0 w& A
请教ERMITE, 我刚刚去了你给的网站,看到如下要求:
1 `3 W5 d% c; i( Y- V2 vThis documentation, depending on the type of visa requested or which the Mission deems it can issue, must necessarily state:
/ `% t5 Y" x+ `5 m- R+ u/ j
5 p# J7 N7 ~) c& M1.the purpose of the visit 0 e6 m5 Y# @' H! F8 ?, Z" F
2. means of transport and for the return journey
& Z# _/ y1 t% E3. means of support during the journey and stay
( ?2 X# @( B8 s5 m4. accommodation arrangements. + i% D6 Z2 G8 _9 W! a0 d
0 j& F0 K& k6 F. f. v9 X
第二个要求是指预定往返机票吗? 还是说明乘坐飞机就可以了.
" p8 N( o# C, Y# `) f% O4 c第三个要求是怎么满足的? 多少银行存款的要求?
: q8 T. o+ A9 g
5 x4 A3 w2 Z) |5 |* z谢谢! |