鲜花( 1)  鸡蛋( 0)
蓬勃发展的中国经济对齐在日本的脚后跟 * L' G* r, s7 L% k
/ |/ g' e/ K9 S& W1 f
^) p1 Q' X1 A: o7 e2 GTOKYO (AFP) – China appears to be on the brink of overtaking beleaguered Japan as the world's second-biggest economy after another blistering performance in 2009, analysts said Thursday. (东京讯) - 中国似乎是在超车成为世界第二大经济体纷纷起泡性能围困在2009年日本的边缘,分析师周四表示。
0 V# E+ g9 ^5 x$ B4 ]
7 \" \& a7 C. pAsia's two biggest economies look to have ended 2009 in a tight race but China, which grew 8.7 percent last year, is soon expected to unseat its neighbour from the position it has held for more than 40 years.亚洲这两个最大经济体看起来已经结束了紧张的比赛,但中国,增长了8.7,比去年同期2009年,预计将很快从它推翻已超过40年举行了其邻国的立场。
W) o) `2 m9 M: ?/ o! H8 R5 r. C0 H! |
/ D6 f2 i# T. I"It may have already overtaken Japan in 2009 and, if not, is likely to do so this year," said Brian Jackson , a senior strategist at Royal Bank of Canada in Hong Kong . “它可能已经在2009年超过日本,如果没有,有可能这样做,今年说:” 布赖恩杰克逊 ,在加拿大皇家银行驻 香港资深策略。
' ^- W' C* @* z5 s* A3 @7 d( Y; k* \5 D. n$ Y( Q# p, f3 b
China on Thursday reported nominal -- unadjusted for inflation -- gross domestic product (GDP) for 2009 of 33.5 trillion yuan, or 4.9 trillion dollars at today's exchange rates .周四中国报道名义-通货膨胀的未经调整的- 今天的汇率总值为33.5万亿元,或4.9万亿美元,2009年国内生产总值(GDP)。 Related article: World bank sees 'signs of bubbles' in China economy相关文章:世界银行认为'在中国泡沫'的经济迹象
1 _& }4 O! n3 \# p, E; r1 ~3 h
' _ s0 v2 H5 \/ P' M; x& f4 fJapan posted nominal GDP of about 505.1 trillion yen, or 5.5 trillion dollars, in 2008 and its economy is expected to have shrunk by roughly six percent last year, reducing the figure to about 5.2 trillion dollars.日本公布的名义GDP约5051000亿日元,或5.5万亿美元,2008年,其经济预计到约百分之六缩水,去年的数字减少约5.2万亿美元。
6 ?5 }1 F( u( E* L( J/ w" a0 c H5 n# i7 u' {! k+ r
"If you look at nominal figures, the Japanese and Chinese economies are now very close to each other in size," said Yoshikiyo Shimamine, chief economist at Daiichi Life Research Institute in Tokyo . “如果你只收取象征式的数字,日本和中国的经济看起来已经相当接近,大小等,说:”能清Shimamine,在日本第一生命经济研究所首席经济学家在东京 。
% |' V% R. L, q7 K% `( v
- Z2 u: x2 z8 }1 B. SJapan is scheduled to release its 2009 GDP figures on February 15.日本定于2月15日公布其2009年GDP数据。 8 H7 D5 l& S* M' ^" L
$ J7 W% v6 u2 C' N) ^! L
With China expected to post another year of strong growth in 2010, Japan seems likely to end this year in third place worldwide as it struggles to cope with renewed deflation and a shrinking population, experts said.随着中国将在2010年后再度双双强劲增长,日本似乎有可能结束在第三位,今年全球,因为它的斗争,以应付新的通缩和人口萎缩,专家说。 6 T1 q! h* V3 \6 g3 z) E2 G
; i) h+ S0 |8 K3 @* h2 DChina returned to double-digit growth in the fourth quarter of 2009 with a red-hot expansion of 10.7 percent.中国重回两位数红色的百分之10.7热膨胀,在2009年第四季度的两位数增长。 : F' d1 s$ O$ _' p6 E
0 x- e$ \% N) jWithout China's boom, Japan's economy would be even more sluggish given that the two are major trading partners, analysts said.如果没有中国的繁荣,日本经济将更加缓慢鉴于两个主要贸易伙伴,分析师说。 ( j( S# l5 s" B5 [% S( R. P; w; c
3 R# E$ ?0 E& b/ Q* yComparisons between the two countries are complicated by exchange rate fluctuations .两国之间的比较复杂的汇率波动 。 If the yen weakens further, that could hasten China's ascent to world's number two behind the United States.如果日元进一步走软,这可能会加速中国的崛起对世界有多少,美国2。 , ^& P( ^) ] Y& c# p; H; ]
/ M6 V# n, d8 S1 y) m' s
And China could overtake the United States as early as 2020, PriceWaterhouseCoopers said in a report Thursday, underlining the "seismic change" in global economic power .和中国可能取代到2020年,普华永道在一份报告中说,今天,强调在全球经济力量的“地震改变”,美国。 Related article: China could overtake US by 2020, says PWC相关文章:中国可能取代美国在2020年说,预委会
, Z2 L! p3 ]& @& s9 u1 |* E3 F8 ^ Q. y! E
By 2030, India could also take third spot to relegate Japan to fourth, the business consultancy said.到2030年, 印度也可以采取以贬谪第三位日本第四,商业顾问说。
$ f$ I& q3 M4 _
4 F7 ]! s+ c8 a, k; v( CBut in terms of per capita GDP, China -- with a population of more than 1.3 billion people -- trails far behind Japan, with about 128 million.但在人均国内生产总值,中国有超过13亿人口- -远远落后于日本的条款,其中约1.28亿。 " O, ]/ z5 E2 i
- q5 N3 ^- S3 a$ Z7 m4 i. N$ q
On this basis, China ranked 104th in the world in 2008 with nominal GDP per person of 3,259 dollars, while Japan was 23rd at 38,457 dollars, according to the International Monetary Fund. Luxembourg was top with 113,044 dollars.在此基础上,中国排名世界第104,在2008年与名义占国内生产总值 3259美元的人,而日本是在38457美元,23日,据国际货币基金。 卢森堡的113044美元的顶部。 Related article: Asia markets mixed reaction on China economy figures相关文章:亚洲市场对中国经济数字混合反应 2 R) _. V5 D* i1 H; X. Y
7 K8 d1 a/ v+ P/ VJapan's economy staged a stunning recovery from the ashes of World War II and in the 1980s it was widely predicted to outstrip the United States.日本的经济情况,从二战的废墟惊人的复苏和人们普遍预计将超过美国20世纪80年代。 7 }" [1 ^# o' k% h4 y- C
: k4 h0 m0 B0 y
But it suffered a decade of stagnation after an asset price bubble burst in the early 1990s.但是,因资产价格后,在1990年代初泡沫破灭了十年的停滞。 7 Q) f8 k$ A9 Y* [
7 P+ L% c# Z c0 {4 G9 G6 u/ O1 a LThe country plunged back into recession in 2008 as its exports collapsed due to a severe global downturn .该国在2008年陷入衰退早在倒塌的出口,由于严重的全球性衰退 。 8 b( h- }# ~ N# N1 a: M+ D8 r
; m/ ]7 l2 ?) _/ _4 A. QIt returned to growth in the second quarter of 2009, exiting a year-long downturn.这回在2009年第二季度的增长,退出了一个长达一年的低迷。 But the recovery remains fragile with falling consumer prices, high public debt and weak domestic demand all major concerns for policymakers.但复苏仍然脆弱,消费品价格下降,高公共债务和疲软的国内需求政策的主要问题。 9 n% o0 Z# E7 q" s
* |& h; }1 W% b" o( RChina meanwhile has achieved remarkable growth since opening up its economy 30 years ago, growing at an average of more than nine percent each year in the three decades since 1978 -- three times the world average.与此同时,中国已经开放以来取得的经济30年前,在超过百分之九,每年都在30年平均增长自1978年以来的显着增长- 3倍,世界平均水平。 5 g5 k" Z/ N0 L; Y2 }, K: k$ Q8 b
8 [' v: t* B. F1 \* pGrowth stalled in the second half of 2008 as the global crisis took hold, but rebounded in the latter half of last year thanks in large part to a massive government stimulus package .在2008年下半年增长停滞的全球性危机举行了,但反弹在很大程度上是 |