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楼主 |
发表于 2009-11-13 22:46
本帖最后由 endeavor 于 2009-11-13 22:47 编辑 & x- v& g, x, T" x5 N: U
) d" y1 ~0 h8 \* [; u+ a1 R8 p
1# endeavor - y9 E" C4 T& [. Y* N
% p1 K: S' R {( W, _# s0 ^, |
& \7 T& Y2 S/ G8 s* w趁斑竹还没给出专业的解释,咱把自己刚做的功课缴以下:
& V0 b9 [2 d. {$ Kregulated:
7 a. ?# o3 q. \; M( ^0 N. f * You can remain on a regulated rate provided by Direct Energy Regulated Services – where your rate may go up and down due to supply and demand, weather changes and world events.
: T. m1 R( l* h# c. C2 n, K * Or, you can choose an energy plan from an energy retailer, which may offer price stability by providing a fixed price for the length of your agreement. ( V+ V8 ?/ T9 \' m# Q7 k$ q7 a K0 @
- }! o P$ c! ]' x
de-regulated:( {+ J, \. H; W
At Direct Energy, we have a variety of natural gas and electricity plans designed with you in mind. Whether it's the convenience of a single bill, saving money on administration fees or fluctuating energy rates – we offer innovative products to meet your unique needs.
( d x, L# Y% GChoose the plan that’s best for you2 d) F1 _. [3 c
7 g3 r; n6 I; k! EOur Seasonal Energy Plan is a dual fuel plan that provides you with stability and peace of mind# A& A `' p9 j* o( k
. q" @+ f3 T/ `+ q- Y: W; uOur Flat Plan offers the security of a fixed price, protecting you against market and regulated rate increases. That means even if market rates go up, your price is guaranteed not to increase.
$ R3 h' \8 L0 x4 i v1 I
; ?4 T7 `4 J% V/ nOpen Flex Plan
- j5 E& W+ |% Z% b2 f; A( K8 wYour natural gas and electricity prices float with the market There is no term obligation, so you can cancel your plan at any time.
+ q, S; |- [+ \' T6 w$ J3 T: u$ d- S; X- N8 l- j/ x
9 G* c0 ~7 z, U* c# R) M0 z2 \不过regulated 提到了 energy retailer 也说可以remain regulated rate(浮动), 而de-regualted是选择plan, 感觉这个分类搞得怪怪的,还是我没有看完,没有看到点子上,理解有问题,越发糊涂了。。。! F3 d+ E; q7 ? I. h1 B- v' D
# ], r' w. W7 J
还是等精打把 |