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本文来源:REALTORS® Association of Edmonton
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' I! _# U* b& n5 N/ x" w' T# CEdmonton, November 3, 2009: Resale housing sales continued their strong trend through October with sales of all housing types through the Multiple Listing Service® in October at the second highest level on record (after October 2006). There were 1,535 residential properties sold in October; up 23% from 2008 but down almost 10% from last month which follows the normal seasonal trend of month to month sales dropping through the fall. |+ `% V/ |8 a; O1 ^! ^
2009年11月3日埃德蒙顿消息: 10月份,根据MLS统计数字,各类二手房销售势头持续看好,和去年同期相比,民用房成交量为1535套,仅次于10月销售额最高峰年度2006年10月:比同期2008年增长23%,但和以往季节性变化预计相同,秋季后成交量呈下滑趋势,10月比今年9月下降10%。' I9 r7 u* c9 ^0 E Y
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“The housing market in Edmonton and area is still robust,” said Charlie Ponde, president of the REALTORS® Association of Edmonton. “Homebuyers are confident about their future prospects and keeping an eye on the possibility that mortgage rates will rise. They can lock-in their housing costs for five years while rates are at historic lows if they buy in this market.”9 e s0 ]1 y2 R7 h8 t
埃德蒙顿房地产经纪协会主席Charlie Ponde表示“埃德蒙顿房产市场依然强劲,买方对于未来充满信心,买方关注贷款利率的增长,以便购买时能够在利率最低点索住将来5年中的房产费用。”
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Residential housing prices remained stable within typical ranges for seasonal fluctuations. Prices for single family dwellings were down 2.2%, on average* from last month but up marginally (0.12%) from last year. Condominiums were priced down 3.2% from September but the same price ($11 difference) as a year ago. Overall, the average residential price in October was $318,969, down 2.5% from last month but up a third of a percent from 2008. Single family dwellings sold for $363,694 and condos sold, on average, for $237,601.! S; B& w1 h! J, n- r+ u5 M
民用房价格虽有季节性变化但依然稳定。独立房平均比上月只下降2.2%但和去年同期相比要上升0.12%。康斗价格比上月下降3.2%但与去年同期持平。总体上,10月民用房品均价格为 $318,969,比上月下降2.5%但比上年增长 0.33%。具体平均售价,独立房为 $363,694, 康斗$237,601。
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There were 2,205 homes listed on the MLS® System in October with 1,535 sales for a sales-to-listing ratio of 70%. The total value of residential sales in October was $490 million and total MLS® System sales (including rural and commercial properties) is up over last year for the year-to-date to over $6.18 billion. Total available inventory was 5,530 homes which is a typical 3.5 month supply. Homes sold on average in 47 days (44 in September but 58 in October 2008).
: E8 Q6 R6 O4 @ x& o. d% o/ ]$ m10月份挂牌2205套,出售量为1535套,占总挂牌量的70%。总价值为$490 Million,包括商业和农业,今年10个月的销售额比去年增长$6.18 billion。市场保有量5530套,即为3个半月的供应量,平均售出周转时间为47天,9月份为44天,去年10月为58天。# D& \1 m- I! O% m5 T
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“Good looking homes in the average price range always sell quickly,” said Ponde. “Less desirable homes may take a little longer to find a buyer and home sales at the upper price ranges are steady. It is important to consult your REALTOR® to devise a strategy for buying or selling a home to ensure you get the latest market and neighbourhood information.”
2 ?: O) w9 T- g( Y" U bPonde说:“介于标准价位、装修养眼的房子售出很快,不受大众欢迎的房子需要更长时间去吸引买家成交,但高价位的房子交易稳定。因此,房屋买卖时咨询自己的房地产代理人,以便制定合理策略并了解最新居民区信息,这一点至关重要。” |