Hire a lawyer to send an offer. The difference is: you will end up paying more if you go through a realtor because the seller will ask for a higher price to compensate the commission.
Hire a lawyer to send an offer. The difference is: you will end up paying more if you go through a realtor because the seller will ask for a higher price to compensate the commission. $ n k9 Z8 b8 `) R, G' r3 a# hceramistpalace 发表于 2009-6-18 22:15
6 e) Z9 V: R/ v. B- ~6 @# T: b
+ P1 m1 V; G- S4 _$ B! z老杨,我不明白咋样把让律师看offer这条加上:我看了一下comfree提供的purchase contract,在condition中提供了如下选择: 9 z$ \0 ~' O- |2 u W+ v* e1 _2.6.a CONDITIONS PRECEDENT NOTE: if these conditions are not removed in writing, the Contract is terminated. 2.6.a.i The Buyer’s Conditions (Check appropriate conditions): a. ________Subject to New Financing satisfactory to the Buyer. b. ________Subject to a Property Inspection satisfactory to the Buyer. c. ________Subject to Buyer’s Lawyer’s approval. d. ________Subject to review of Condominium Documents if applicable. e. ________Other Buyer Conditions: _______________________________. f. Buyer’s Condition Removal Date:_______________________________ 2.6.b.i The Seller’s Conditions: __________________________________________ Seller’s Condition Removal Date: ___________________________________) J: t. |' _3 e4 G* E% y' W/ F
! F; X, [7 f% O4 E2 c* D) C3 c
请问哪条是你说的“请律师看offer”?是选项c吗?还是必须加在“other buyer conditions” 这一栏中? 谢谢!
谢谢楼上各位的信息。我现在明白一点了。6 ]. }( u2 z; N0 D( G/ }# e
0 D5 w; t3 j' E c# e" f
老杨,我不明白咋样把让律师看offer这条加上:我看了一下comfree提供的purchase contract,在condition中提供了如下选择: 7 S8 U9 u8 h6 Y9 q4 O L6 A' c+ r2.6.a CONDITIONS PRECEDENT NOTE: if ... 2 h y1 J% y. n* I一棵大树 发表于 2009-6-18 23:02