Even this may not slide into the river like the others did few years ago, soil settlement/shifting will make a problem. That is why the price is so appealing.
sell cheap for a reason. Few years 3~4 houses on the same whitemud drive sled into the river. Do you want take the chance?. Z& N! N/ T5 I- q
iqtek 发表于 2009-6-10 18:09
9 g/ ]2 J+ x" ^: I
! @7 w: j j. {! ~' G这不是那一段的,不会掉河里。这房子离河中间还隔着两排房子呢 (154 st 东西两侧的房子)。 B9 `* h; {) Z( z, l& n! I
3 L" F4 s. i0 i4 F5 ]也不是预谋买家抢房的。这房本来要70多万,一路慢慢降下来的。最大缺点是外表一般,厨房特小,对面是差房子。 . s4 ]( Y& c' j- c( u8 ~; L- k) t$ C. Z, Y: w