联邦统计局的跟踪调查发现,从去年1月至今年1月,本国食品价格上涨近9%,其中面包和谷类食物涨11%,蔬菜20%,水果16%,非酒精饮料12%。如土豆今年1月价格比去年同期上涨30%,芹菜28%,苹果20%。 & G+ E/ k q3 F' K3 U0 Y& F2 ^ i c0 S' F# ~
I just receive automobile insurance bill renewal package, the insurance fee incresed over 56%, not 37% as Provincial government agreed to Insurance companies last year.
I just receive automobile insurance bill renewal package, the insurance fee incresed over 56%, not 37% as Provincial government agreed to Insurance companies last year.