I just want to remind you that be careful, and double check their filing. As this is just volunteer work, nobody cares very much about your true financial condition. My friend and I went there once, and they got our taxes return wrong
具体地点再通知大家,这次是用ufile软件报税,软件会有check,在这会有supervisor检查每一份报税单,因为是为学生和low income family报税,要报的东西很少,弄错的几率会很小! p) s. V) b6 e1 u; V5 h( n
在一个事情就是回复tfzh:报错的情况我可以和大家说,每年报税的人,有97%的报税人会complain自己的tax return是错误的,所以如果你是那3%,恭喜了 哈哈