2 I5 D0 w9 D* |1 }" ^0 _
This is bullshit...7 p4 ?# h v, M& F" Z
4 H/ s7 E- m0 d# ` F l
Job security has become a lot of people's concern. How dare they spend?
First home buyer be ware of the interest!!! ) M. i4 E4 H/ y/ f7 \/ {
It's supposed that year 2011, the interest for morgage gonna go up to 10% or more, your whole year hard working will just for the bank if you borrow lots of money !!!
原帖由 icing 于 2009-2-4 11:36 发表 m0 w% \4 S. ?8 {; [7 ]$ ^ ^First home buyer be ware of the interest!!! - X! q4 H9 Z& y7 u H6 KIt's supposed that year 2011, the interest for morgage gonna go up to 10% or more, your whole year hard working will just for the bank if you borrow lots ...