Don't buy it right now! # D. N$ L1 q: G+ F: c: h( w, iSo unstable and 90% of chance it will go bankruptcy." U7 o7 Q, w$ x& F5 w6 v1 \
You missed the best time to buy already!: S3 m# z# M7 n% c/ G/ S' ?7 L
Forget about this one! 0 ~* }! H/ g* a. B2 Y$ H8 H5 J" \
Buy it, at the end of year, you will be crying; Don't buy it, you will be laughing man!
Right! + P7 b, w# D# m; ^( K; E0 ESome stocks look very attractive but are too risky! i2 R/ V0 J; [" p# U4 MDo some research on those big ones and you can probably keep a stable beneficial income from them.0 j8 ^4 B, M% w
Remember: DON"T BE GREEDY!!!!!