Hi,i already leave a message to you , i don't konw you receive it or not. 6 d6 w4 k5 `( d: U& Oi am interested in this job and my major is Economic.# z2 e+ n* z3 o- G( y' _
if you want to my resume, i can send you by e-mail.4 o. \; t/ O0 k& E4 D! `6 ^" T
please tell me your e-mail adress or call 780-716-8185. Thank you!
I'm interested in this job also have the experiences in management & business.- t$ }" Y( A' W; M$ Z
- e# {4 r9 e5 R: m8 A5 ^
Please kindly contact: sandou127@yahoo.ca
I major in Economics, but I'm an undergraduate student in my first year, so I don't know wheather I satisfy the qualification. If I did, please call me 780-952-8497 or send email zhongweizi_ls@hotmail.com