鲜花( 0)  鸡蛋( 0)

楼主 |
发表于 2008-11-16 10:02
原帖由 hsz 于 2008-11-15 22:42 发表 
' ~, [7 a2 K4 ~3 dI have just talked with the technical lead who is in charge for hiring people. 0 c2 w" C# j, P; W+ t |% `
; Q r. D; j# r# z" b2 V
About 70-80% resumes, they received for this position, are Chinese. Resumes are looks quite same. A lot of them are d ...
, y. J, _1 f! p9 D1 N6 L0 l7 w0 X2 l' `% n
0 ~. x4 V4 _& l+ C这个位置原计划招5人,截止日期11月30日,简历随到随审随招. 到目前为止已经确定了3人,而且全部是中国人(cheer!). 但这为想继续申请的朋友増添了不少的难度. 现在即使是双证也没有优势, 只有多年的本地工作经验才有竞争力. 鉴于此情况, 内部推荐暂告一段落,有想继续申请的,请直接访问我公司的网站.祝大家好运. |