For engineers, geologists and geophysicists this includes being licensed with The Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta (APEGGA).
原帖由 Xbfeng 于 2008-9-25 20:50 发表 . W7 ~, O3 H. S, t ?, C4 Y3 ~
For engineers, geologists and geophysicists this includes being licensed with The Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta (APEGGA).
8 N+ b0 f4 w! B
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原帖由 依勒特 于 2008-9-26 11:51 发表 " E+ N# e, q1 S% z! A
3 V8 @( M, m) x1 h4 e' `8 R: k
马上就可以注册,而不需要任何附加条件的。EIT 等都不行。* w3 J- e# L$ h0 U8 r$ h1 s' U& O
/ K D/ ]8 c8 o) R, N