鲜花( 1394) 鸡蛋( 16)
原帖由 扁舟 于 2005-2-10 22:09 发表
1 W \" f2 X! a5 I; p都说无巧不成书,其实现实生活往往比书巧,不到两年的爱民屯生活,老周竟有惊人的巧遇,还发生了离奇的浪漫故事! , P: W$ h% [; @1 M+ b+ I# k
我找到了:' {& ^( {, ]8 b `
原帖由 扁舟 于 2006-10-18 19:18 发表: C; {3 [2 I! D4 V! Q! M- w8 G
因为四个人一起,经常因为等一个人大家一起迟到,所以从前几天开始,就只有我和A女一起上下班了。" T5 [# l1 n5 U4 @
3 c% O& R& Y" i( Y: q; ?: C- O' O$ R根据几个朋友提供的情况,觉得像这个距离,每天付10刀比较合适,于是今天早上,我就拿出150到(两张钱)。下面是我们的对话:- N, X) ~) h- i
0 T1 ?, B5 i" X8 T" W
我:I hope you could allow me to share some expences(一边把钱放进车座前的一个小“抽屉”)% B4 a6 Q; g6 d9 U8 D
她:It's way too much, leave 20 dollars there if you want to, but not any more.7 }4 s+ ^: i9 M6 d
我:I knew too much money would make the other side uncomfortable, so I calculated and I'm sure it's the right amount or a little bit under the line.5 l$ O6 K6 ~, N+ w, H
她:But you calculated in a wrong way, you could share gas, but I'm not your texi driver, I help you because you're my friend, and I'm not driving for money.9 @1 D9 b) N3 F- h4 k! G
我:Anyway, it's not a big issue......
# R5 c$ a5 f- S7 R她:It is a big issue, I feel strongly offended, so take your money back, please!9 s! X4 a" M2 ^
我:I can take some money back a second later, but listen...
0 c f6 G8 Q6 P6 B7 z她:take it back right now before I can listen a sigle word, now, right now(口气有些不对劲)
8 t& P2 @8 [3 q/ X- E" b2 f于是,我。。。。。。 |