Twin Brooks Community News 4 l% a X# W+ y( ^% c. Q. I) Q+ R) b# y/ x" T- _' D6 F
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 a& q- n4 e% h4 r In And Round Twin Brooks 9 P, @' }2 E G" d& ?1 @ Capital City Clean Up " U/ _/ ` \* ~( ?7 n; B- \7 FTo find out more information about making Edmonton a little cleaner this spring click here. ( ^" I* M6 R' T% h" A6 I9 L3 F
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* I- W8 S6 n' V- M. J0 P, jGarden Club- A# P' X' @- d: P& p9 b$ h
Find out how you can grow a garden on your school grounds. Click here for more info. 6 ^, T1 i& ~: T# T 7 v7 w+ |7 x, [% }) \; y
5 D* ^ B! V8 Q4 D
: M% s6 W' x! J3 M+ NTwin Brooks Park Development a Priority & j6 ^1 X* g; c/ HDate: February 25, 2008 / \# s# Q9 I6 ^( R) l% m7 o {-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 O* F! q' z7 E" D' K 8 U" O( ]9 C; t: U* j) `As the “Voice of the Community Survey” results confirm, Twin Brooks residents would like to see development of recreation and community league facilities on our designated property adjacent to the school. " R: h* z/ l9 o8 l
2 Z5 u4 T0 ~ f8 t7 u4 dTBCL President Karan Nikhanj says the parkland development is a top area of focus. The TBCL is putting together a committee to oversee its completion all the way from design and fundraising to construction. See the accompanying organizational chart for information on how you can contribute your time. If you would like to volunteer on this committee, please submit your name to the website and indicate which area of volunteering interests you. " W% [+ Y X( [7 m" H6 U
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Currently, the property is being used for an informal snowbank skating rink. Skaters on this rink must clear the snow themselves and use it at their own risk. $ L |" s Q3 s* s* v# a
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For more information on the Twin Brooks Park Development Project and available volunteer positions, please click here
本帖最后由 amethyst 于 2009-6-20 01:37 编辑 & @. X. M. l; f% ^& V3 M
' U. S$ q! O0 O. A; F# \+ l孩子的心理更多的是需要家长的引导特别是小学生,竞争不等于攀比。不团结的现象哪里都有,职场上的勾心斗角哪里都有,攀比的现象也哪里都有。这里的教育培养出的孩子有的人认为是自信独立,但也有的人认为这种自信常常会导致个人自以为是,有时候是不知天高地厚。个人觉得国内教育出来的孩子相对踏实一些,具有竞争意识。谁说具有竞争意识是一件坏事呢?