- N" h; k% c1 r3 j( }6 Y' _这是帮我的一位朋友发的广告,有问题请直接电话咨询店主。店主是受过良好教育的香港移民,可以说英文、广东话和简单普通话。店主为人友善,现有其他大陆移民在店中工作。 : l" f1 M* G/ y. G' E6 Z ' t; d& D9 y; i4 G* ^) m. _' N$ f7 lLEADER DRY CLEANERs ; Q( h5 s+ A# f) U( R* Z9 Q" |; w7625 – 104 Street & a$ U+ S* m/ y- t" \& i $ Z, ]" b' P8 p. w- s, N+ h(780) 433-5411 & d3 R: c6 ~! m) C6 Z7 Y0 M9 V0 K3 i1 ~* i+ J- l- e V* k3 b
" N4 c: H# \; ^/ ISouth side well known drycleaner is looking for pressers, no experience is required. On-the-job training will be provided.8 w# E$ d9 x6 G& P4 Y6 n6 L' i
& o/ K$ V* @- h) x
Duties: Laundry, pressing and sorting orders, will train to use the shirt machine and different dry cleaning and laundry equipment. 9 X% l5 J0 R- k" M 7 E* n4 F2 N' q) i# `: zWorking hours: Monday to Friday – 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 7 V8 d/ T5 Z/ w; q0 iSaturdays - 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. - D2 ?! J M7 V
( y+ j8 X( u* m5 p0 S
Hourly Wage: Start from $8.30 to $10.00 (depends on experience) subject to review in 3 months. 5 S% ^" ^+ ^, O6 a+ [9 Z- d; P1 d & V) ^( }6 y0 H# ~9 `Please apply in person between 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.