埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

楼主: 三言两语

爱城房市前景初探 ——2009

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-15 12:05 | 显示全部楼层
Liked LZ’s analysis, but disagree with the belowing few points:
/ }8 v% V4 d5 h; _' D# B6 Y
7 Y2 f  ^( ^7 h1. Oil price is irrelevant to the Edm RE market.0 B+ e% \& j" h$ v$ m
It does, forget about the law of supply and demand, or the price and value. Even the speculator hot money need to have a basic market, hence enough buyers to support the market activities. Oil and gas is the critical sector provides employment opportunities.
) j; m" o7 S- B7 e, a# h' b/ U- n0 b, L9 }5 {$ E
2. Oil price.7 C8 t9 _4 B* v
You used oil price in 80’s to future support your view. There was no oil sands industry in 80’s, it was all about the conventional oil and gas. So the economics did work back then. See below:
/ }9 ?' o  O2 s: G3 t2 Z8 {( F+ t! V8 N9 j% h: _6 W, e5 D
Annual Average Domestic Crude Oil  Prices
. V7 L2 T' h, N+ ^/ H+ ?1946-Present4 l( Q0 x3 b, C2 g/ U0 t
        U.S. Average2 T; H! U% j7 Y3 q
        (in $/bbl.)3 d/ q* z  Q% h9 ^3 }
Year        Nominal        Inflation Adjusted- b, x1 D* x9 h
1946        $1.63         $17.76 9 j9 A, U+ [% z4 `; L, i/ e3 K
1947        $2.16         $20.58
8 K' h4 E' Q% @; p; S. ^, s0 J7 M1948        $2.77         $24.72 $ h5 }' R8 Q4 P4 `/ k& {
1949        $2.77         $24.99 & o% {6 M& J3 a9 w. |' F8 H/ L) N
1950        $2.77         $24.42
, [$ b0 p% _5 d# w/ S! U1951        $2.77         $22.63
6 M8 W0 x' p% t- F; O; `! b0 y1952        $2.77         $22.20
- s3 p. W3 k+ }. f; K2 |1953        $2.92         $23.23
! b% b- R; }9 p' V( Q: Y$ Q1954        $2.99         $23.61
: s: a- C# q3 i! `1955        $2.93         $23.22 . R" X* y9 O5 j, L  X2 X  X
1956        $2.94         $22.96
$ f( ]# T" m% F: h' e! i$ k1957        $3.14         $23.74 ; d' q% D4 H3 O* i" q. U; K5 W
1958        $3.00         $22.05 ' w- C) Q2 z, S  \- K8 ~  s
1959        $3.00         $21.90
- M; m. \# V: C+ w- R$ k1960        $2.91         $20.88 1 D$ F3 q& k. E4 @- q
1961        $2.85         $20.25
' M! B6 M6 h  c- i1962        $2.85         $20.05
, s4 p) B5 w) Y9 Z1963        $2.91         $20.20
: Z# Q! \9 P% h8 t1964        $3.00         $20.56 ' \$ Z2 |) f, f. F2 X. o& P- m
1965        $3.01         $20.30
" p2 o. B/ v! ~# k) \! W1966        $3.10         $20.32 " g. {6 H+ Y# s0 D0 P6 Z
1967        $3.12         $19.84
0 v9 a9 x: Y& o1968        $3.18         $19.41 * O0 e6 G4 o; g; v
1969        $3.32         $19.22
* x  _- O% i4 H3 O1970        $3.39         $18.56 9 W' Q3 E& F: |0 f' t3 V
1971        $3.60         $18.88 % k" \' F. L# N5 _- \8 D- H# z* P
1972        $3.60         $18.29 " a, u+ o$ i8 C
1973        $4.75         $22.73 - ?% E4 K4 C7 I: U3 t
1974        $9.35         $40.29 2 m* n7 T5 s( K* I
1975        $12.21         $48.21
0 B+ C0 O+ u; R9 C8 U9 i1976        $13.10         $48.91
; @6 {8 i/ t" D6 x: I1 G1977        $14.40         $50.48 ! ?+ P7 K+ [, Q; X1 H* Z( p
1978        $14.95         $48.71 ) M! h6 ?2 c# U0 _" V( h
1979        $25.10         $73.44 " _/ ?  S. s" C( P  P# [
1980        $37.42         $97.47
- g7 x6 i' v) L8 v4 t% E1981        $35.75         $83.54
+ q# T- y& |: e3 o, {% H+ f+ u1982        $31.83         $70.07 + e; k& w. s; v
1983        $29.08         $62.02
& [+ O; N' c4 `, p# l1984        $28.75         $58.78 . n& a/ {  {3 M, H! N" o; a0 k
1985        $26.92         $53.15
  I4 d/ q. U3 Y8 y: e  r9 R1986        $14.44         $27.99
4 m3 U, b2 t, s; g1987        $17.75         $33.19
* x& y. Z' j. M$ r! ^7 v; T1988        $14.87         $26.70 # v/ R3 O' {+ U
1989        $18.33         $31.40 9 p' w: W0 p$ y: z7 ?
1990        $23.19         $37.69
3 j/ I0 Y4 b; I: J4 s" }1991        $20.20         $31.51
! P) B! W) y6 j7 w+ x1992        $19.25         $29.15 6 m4 [( S2 Z7 x2 R/ U7 t( X
1993        $16.75         $24.62   H2 X8 R0 F! J2 Z! Q  V
1994        $15.66         $22.45
& M& _5 }1 a" K9 l* I) o2 a" I1995        $16.75         $23.35
  n! j: k' {. x: i8 `1996        $20.46         $27.71
6 N# L8 z& Q% x! X8 t1997        $18.64         $24.67 ; S9 I7 j% b* ]9 p0 ]6 D( ~) z
1998        $11.91         $15.52
/ v& a  N5 k: x/ A+ o3 M7 O8 Q1999        $16.56         $21.12 2 O6 K' y% z! l" N. C
2000        $27.39         $33.79 9 A- Z* b  U4 W9 r6 r& V
2001        $23.00         $27.59 ' t! b: O. b# i( y1 T( B! S
2002        $22.81         $26.94 0 x8 I+ @0 W+ t4 u
2003        $27.69         $31.97
9 F0 }; V& Y) U+ Q2004        $37.66         $42.35 % t; t! P% H/ M* l
2005        $50.04         $54.01 6 c1 }  e$ M: o  m; j
2006        $58.30         $61.37
1 i- }# {' ?+ ?$ ?2007        $64.20         $64.93
, ?7 N% D% G0 @' w$ m$ f- y2008        $99.65         $99.65
; }* I9 k" ?/ N- N/ D' S% w& V' V: w9 V) q* n9 Q' P' u  M0 g2 i3 n
Oil sands started to take off in early 2000, correlation with increased employment rate and increased average housing price and sales (someone already provided the chart). I don’t believe that insufficient hot money will be able to manipulate the trend. Edm RE market is at lest at billions (not sure), how much hot money followed in and out? Consumer confidence and affordability are the VERY worry sigh in current Edm RE market, fiscal policy also factors in potential buyers’ expectations (agree with your analysis), hence, employment in the energy and related sectors is the key.   . j) F6 w1 q. z7 O; U+ K
3 [5 w- n' l( d* ]7 y
3. Importance of Oil and Gas (O&G) to Alberta’s economy.
8 r$ h! S8 E3 t7 h0 \Alberta is export dependant economy. Direct O&G export revenue is about one third of the GDP, imaging how it affects the energy service and manufacturing sectors. What is happening in O&G? Business as usual in the upstream oil and gas, companies still keep the production in need for positive cash flow, nevertheless, they are reducing the operating cost and cutting back the exploration budget, postponing large investment in new exploration and production projects. Lots of projects cancellation is related to the downstream sector, upgrading and refining, as this sector needs huge capital injection and low IRR. But this sector normally provides many employment opportunities (eg EPC companies). Under current credit market, I don’t see any company is willing to invest. Even when the market was hot, few companies were willing to invest if the IRR is lower than 20%. Another real worry sigh, personally, I think, is the near-term (1-3 yrs) downward tread of natural gas price. Most drilling activities in the past few years (considering there were around 15,000 wells drilling in 2007, and over 22,000 in 2006!) were in fact in the unconventional gas, at the current AECO price, there is no economics or incentives. I would not ignore the natural gas price trend for your analysis. Medium to long term, I am optimistic of the gas price. BTW, oil at around current US $35 is a give-away gift.5 X8 T4 X% j' p' b4 j$ c

! Z- _! h, `$ D2 ^9 I7 PIt will be more convincing if I could pull out the actual data, but I really don’t have the time. Reviewed your previous analysis and loved it (with some disagreements). I don’t have enough money to buy your full analysis, but would love to further discuss in more details.
鲜花(21) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-15 17:54 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 terwillegar 于 2009-1-15 12:05 发表
3 \+ Z' q# a2 l$ Q8 fLiked LZ’s analysis, but disagree with the belowing few points:
/ B; J! ~" P8 P3 y! k1 A
; Z( ?* |. j5 l1. Oil price is irrelevant to the Edm RE market.% u' r( |2 Z* U+ s9 a+ [
It does, forget about the law of supply and demand, or the price and value. Even t ...

8 Z3 r7 ]' |& m( l" T: p' z0 j6 M0 m7 p. S7 v" S/ O1 k
首先,感谢你的不同意见。# f! c3 R) i8 [/ `0 N+ i
  ?, b$ j  q) H4 @  M0 D
1. 我从来也没说过油价与爱城房价无关,我是说油价并不是爱城房价涨跌的直接因素。也就是说:我们不能说只要油价在涨,房价就不会跌。这是07,08年看涨派最常用的理论。( l# R# {6 h4 Q8 \8 u

% |4 S; F6 E# f* U2. 石油是亚省的支柱产业这一点是共识,我没有不同意见。

, u( {* o- V5 V+ D2 [
4 s5 \( E" S4 {I don’t believe that insufficient hot money will be able to manipulate the trend. Edm RE market is at lest at billions (not sure), how much hot money followed in and out?
9 \  e" H2 o9 w3 `3. 热钱是有金融机构作后盾的。炒家只要0%-5%就行了。这也就是为什么这一次炒家和银行一起玩完的原因。如果没有银行的信贷资金,房价,油价,和股价要平稳许多。! p5 \7 E! m) r

# {. Y0 }8 U% B) e) _5 l8 W; ]' U4. 记录上没显示你买了文章,如果你留个Email,我可以给你发一份。
0 N' {+ Q4 J4 O

& ~  l" V8 z. I( i, d1 U; B[ 本帖最后由 三言两语 于 2009-1-15 17:56 编辑 ]
鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-15 20:20 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 terwillegar 于 2009-1-15 12:05 发表
( J+ R2 z0 j& m) Y* [Liked LZ’s analysis, but disagree with the belowing few points:
/ E; w4 D# C  z/ n
6 j+ N" O/ J8 a( m' E1. Oil price is irrelevant to the Edm RE market.
& a# z6 F  s6 s6 q7 u8 n' Q, y/ k, @It does, forget about the law of supply and demand, or the price and value. Even t ...
* D4 g- y1 j& J" q9 y
! h4 o1 s/ P$ A# p1 E( c/ f发言水平真么高,也不漏个脸, 可惜可惜!!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-15 20:38 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
Thanks. Pls check the message.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-12 22:12 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-3 08:51 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-3 16:15 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-4 15:18 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-5 00:08 | 显示全部楼层
龙币不少, 可惜说我雨额不足100加元, 不给换. 这世道! 是不是要使劲灌水帖才行?
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-5-18 18:16 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(79) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-5-18 21:04 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-5-19 00:27 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(371) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2009-5-19 05:26 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
鲜花(21) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-19 19:30 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-5-21 10:07 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-5-27 19:34 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-5-27 20:20 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
I'll wait  and read when it's free.: F2 C, |- H; m' Z; n9 w
I won't purchase house until the price drop back to 2005!! Hold on!!!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-7-3 20:57 | 显示全部楼层
i do not have money
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-8-4 12:10 | 显示全部楼层
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