埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

楼主: 郭森房贷

郭森房贷- 有问必答

鲜花(23) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-27 16:48 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 郭森房贷 于 2008-12-27 14:24 发表
, O* Y# T4 ?. S% \% G9 V8 U( q1 X  I6 l" }9 }

: K7 T7 }# ^: A- [! V: g( P您是GRANDE PRAIRIE 的那位朋友吧?我在十月十六号给您回复过邮件的。因为公司合并, 我的邮箱地址已经变更为SAMSON@MORTGAGEGRP.COM, 我应该不会忽略任何一位潜在客人的咨询, 如果您还需要我的服务, 请与我联 ...
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-28 13:30 | 显示全部楼层
0 D( `% @8 s* b% x% L3 p1 v请教专家了
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-28 15:19 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 一个人游逛 于 2008-12-28 13:30 发表 + j( W" e7 t* h
在国内想买加拿大的房子,如何操作?能拿到贷款吗,需要首付多少?还牵扯到什么问题?  j0 Q2 B( r7 {5 n8 w7 V

) w. k! ]7 y0 B  _. F2 I) P3 H3 m5 ~6 n; E9 |
如果您有加拿大永久居民的身份, 即使人在国内, 只要能提供恰当的收入证明(给加拿大税务局的报税回执-NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT; 或者提供可验证的雇主信、工资单), 至少30%的首期, 就有可能拿到贷款。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-30 21:52 | 显示全部楼层


老杨团队 追求完美
请问是不是首付在35% 就不需要其他要求就可以贷到款?我登陆3年半了,但是在加国居住只有一年,其他时间在国内。另外贷到款要提前还清会交多少罚款?谢谢
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-31 10:46 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 tyjh 于 2008-12-30 21:52 发表
  m2 {% O* g  y; {+ ?请问是不是首付在35% 就不需要其他要求就可以贷到款?我登陆3年半了,但是在加国居住只有一年,其他时间在国内。另外贷到款要提前还清会交多少罚款?谢谢
- ~. p" `2 H- D' [

# U& i+ e: k* L/ A
7 c( \4 H$ i8 Y. H. Q. U0 p: G一般来讲, 首付35%的贷款难度不大。 要证明您的登录时间, 可能需要您护照的复印件(核实出入境时间)。
  j% S, o1 D3 V! b2 W$ }7 q- q提前还清贷款的方式主要有三种, 一种是每年一次的LUMP SUM PAYMENT(一般是最初贷款本金的15%); 同时还可以每月双倍付款; 再者就是次年设置UP TO 15% INCREASE OF THE MONTHLY PAYMENT。这些方式都没有罚金。 如果您提前还款的金额超过了上述三种还款方式的总金额, 您可能要交付一定数额的罚金。
! U+ d% n1 B+ p+ G" Z1 ]) Q
8 e0 {6 z5 R/ G0 C+ a1 F; c我会去参加这个聚会, 希望我们有时间当面探讨您提出的问题。

1 S" l/ F6 _4 F# \6 _$ L
- t( Z# |5 |. R  i$ Q  m4 A8 M谢谢您! 顺祝新年快乐!!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-31 23:06 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-5 19:21 | 显示全部楼层

Mr. Guo

Hi Mr. Guo,
, P, K. M' O& X  C, o; @what's the best interest rate you can get for 5 year fixed mortgage and variable? And how about the RBC homeplan, what's the best rate for the mortgaga part and HELOC part? Thanks!
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-5 21:08 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 abcdefgh 于 2009-1-5 19:21 发表 3 O& ?* \# Y. p* o. b" F1 E
Hi Mr. Guo,4 }) n; Y; t5 ^( Q+ `
what's the best interest rate you can get for 5 year fixed mortgage and variable? And how about the RBC homeplan, what's the best rate for the mortgaga part and HELOC part? Thanks!

+ S8 \; H( z. I3 U/ P, S, y/ @
6 n5 G! Q" ~# ?) [. X: E6 yThe best 5 years fixed closed mortgage rate is 4.79% today; 5 years variable closed rate is PRIME+0.8%=4.3% by today. % N$ t! I& \3 a3 q

) h4 T' Z" I1 P8 J+ M" G6 x/ U1 HI can't sale RBC products since I left from RBC, you may contact RBC for HOMELINE PLAN details.
+ {& w6 W: x' M1 ]- Z, ~4 K' _) K( Y/ g
Thank you!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-5 21:37 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks a lot for your quick response. I am interested in the 4.79 five years fixed rate. I may keep looking for the best deal and contact you later or after Jan.20th to see if it will drop a little bit more but I basically don't think so.
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-15 10:16 | 显示全部楼层

Renewing Into an Open at Maturity

Renewing Into an Open at Maturity  
/ u: x' K0 K, i9 ~2 L9 w5 ~9 D
, E% J9 u5 e0 t0 s
4 \2 w$ a: d2 [6 Z
9 _. J- _8 Z, u Each year hundreds of thousand of Canadians renew their mortgage by signing the renewal form their lender mails out.  They don't shop around. They just trust their lender.
/ p1 p* U+ t2 _
4 _' k; ^, F3 U, Z, A) q1 |! VObviously, this can be a terrible waste of money.  CAAMP says people seek just 1.85 quotes on average before renewing.  How are you ever supposed to get the best deal that way?/ Z0 z  ~) ^' ?# }

( P" [! |& ]# f* G7 [9 cA big reason people resort to signing their renewal forms is procrastination.  They do no homework, or don't use a mortgage planner, and then find themselves 1-2 weeks from renewal in a panic.  The easiest fix they figure is to stay with their current lender.
+ K6 k6 V" ?& p. j
3 @- W8 [3 S! j5 |5 v; Z! ^9 v# XWhat a lot of people don't know, is that you can often ask your lender to renew you into an open mortgage temporarily.  The rate may be higher than your permanent rate (e.g.  7-8%) , but you only need it for a few weeks while you arrange alternate financing.  . e# C' g0 h# |: Z
6 O" K2 P1 y2 r- n# K, d
It's a move that costs very little but it buys you more time to find the best terms in the market.
6 j# Y# l/ M3 ]( d" i- f & r9 l& s9 d- q) {& Y5 J# p& l; C
Any questions? call me for free consulting!
鲜花(55) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2009-1-18 23:00 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-19 09:16 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 kktam 于 2009-1-18 23:00 发表 " e" o" I3 T. Y0 F# ]  b

4 v7 h: p& i$ _2 C3 ^0 v+ Y- d- m. S1 `4 n9 G9 }" g4 k0 y
/ j. n, P. r" U4 A
; p6 t: J: J/ C; {关于买房的区域、价位及教育环境指数, 我可以给你一些个人意见。 但我建议您也可以和专业的房地产经纪人联系, 他们的专业意见会对你很有帮助的!
% M4 X+ g  M- O& d
- l" f) ~" H7 c0 m9 @& g2 Z4 r我的专职是帮客人免费寻找最适合他们的房屋贷款计划, 也义务帮助客人联系申请银行信用卡, 小额个人贷款,理财投资账户等与银行相关的业务, 您如果需要这方面的服务和信息, 可以随时联系我。$ |- k3 P) V, j

( s! V% A) {- R. O  b谢谢您! 祝您登陆顺利!
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-20 12:42 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
Hey Mr. Guo,6 F4 s2 Q- l, ]/ @! E
& d9 s* d) c6 U/ h; U* m5 G
what is the current variable and fix interest rate?
6 i; C+ @0 l0 a( Q8 S+ R0 t3 C# t: u0 h6 Y& p
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-20 13:21 | 显示全部楼层


RBC lowers residential mortgage rates and introduces new five-year fixed closed mortgage offer: s. p8 F( E0 j
. |9 S1 d' C. E- s" F7 e5 R! A
    TORONTO, Jan. 20 /CNW/ - RBC Royal Bank announced today that it is- T" g, T" }  t; f# r) p* P+ d8 s  W' W
decreasing its residential mortgage rates effective January 21, 2009 and0 `# z( B, S. R! K+ U  c3 c
improving special mortgage offers.* ^% }' S' U& g! k7 T( Q8 p" A
    "RBC is dedicated to helping Canadians achieve their homeownership goals* x9 }7 f& h. x# G* |9 Y  v8 W
throughout all economic cycles, said Karen Leggett, head, RBC Home Equity8 [& L* M1 M9 a+ z  V" ^/ C
Financing. "Today we're pleased to announce significant mortgage rate
+ w* O4 e  t, k. Sreductions and special offers."7 V. @4 B# }- R$ g9 `, V
& v% s9 J3 U! Z! p8 J1 u
5 E: a0 A% c0 N& @* H: S    Special Offers(*)
. [1 }6 h3 i; B" _8 i    -----------------
2 t1 B4 ?. @" j2 E    One year fixed closed    4.00 per cent
3 q8 n# l5 _( U% R( U    Four year fixed closed   4.39 per cent
  f9 `; H; \5 B    Five year fixed closed   4.49 per cent" o6 o( I" o0 _0 i8 D5 d

3 w7 j+ W+ a) {' u    The changes are as follows:
& E" D- q+ w: R; C7 A- K
) g3 H, Q& L% |: k- g* J; u    Six-month open           7.00 per cent     (down by 0.70 per cent)
4 S- N% ?- A9 @0 p+ l    Six-month convertible    5.20 per cent     (down by 0.70 per cent)
1 K0 a2 N) M0 p8 T+ F$ ^    One-year open            7.15 per cent     (down by 1.10 per cent)
% t/ \- j6 h& F% h  ?+ s. z7 d    One-year closed          4.50 per cent     (down by 1.10 per cent)
) N5 @$ b! |. Y    Two-year closed          5.15 per cent     (down by 1.10 per cent)
. i. |/ L) q: W4 a    Three-year closed        5.15 per cent     (down by 1.10 per cent)2 L! v: p$ M# n6 `. o1 ]
    Four-year closed         5.69 per cent     (down by 0.40 per cent)
% u% B: A3 v8 ~5 p$ j: F- A    Five-year closed         5.79 per cent     (down by 0.96 per cent)
. d& ~8 A6 m) }6 t2 ~    Seven-year closed        7.00 per cent     (down by 0.20 per cent)  d  r, Q+ A4 s1 c
    Ten-year closed          7.15 per cent     (down by 0.20 per cent); D0 `* ]* F, S
    Twenty-five year closed  8.05 per cent     (down by 0.20 per cent)
6 k, C) q# q6 N2 q  T) f& ]; R6 ]3 T" O
    (*) The rates indicated are special discounted rates and are not the+ `/ ~$ h" F* b$ |$ o8 E/ @
        posted rates of Royal Bank of Canada. To calculate a rate discount: M) ~; y* }' X" A% p
        compare the Special Offer rate against the posted rate for the2 I( ]; O0 M& p
        applicable term.0 t" F9 d$ G  T' g+ u9 X/ A

) E0 `3 P# a6 o8 d  Q        Special Offers may be changed, withdrawn or extended at any time,! n/ f4 I4 Q: D4 M* Y, t
        without notice. Not available in combination with any other rate
" C# k2 x% S  u' v' Z6 d& l        discounts, offers or promotions.
) y: ]* p& u* v5 D2 N+ U. `    >>
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-20 20:08 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 legendcx 于 2009-1-20 12:42 发表
9 r. F1 T" G+ Q/ K5 @5 vHey Mr. Guo,
) m' }9 a, N" o* E) G
7 k  i# j5 ~; X8 Z9 K- @& N. Ewhat is the current variable and fix interest rate?
; a1 ~; K4 l2 @! Y
6 A4 ^: B: y( LThanks
, m2 }+ }8 R# c( |; |. [9 f

9 c& ?! G, D, i/ LThe Bank of Canada today announced that it is lowering its target for the overnight rate by one-half of a percentage point to 1 per cent. The operating band for the overnight rate is correspondingly lowered, and the Bank Rate is now 1 1/4 per cent.+ R) P9 E1 G% d( x% I

# y3 p' M* X- o6 g# j. @Only few mortgage banks announced the Prime Rate change, MCAP and Firstline will lower their Prime Rate to 3% effective January 21,2009. The major banks may decline their Prime rate by tomorrow.
( m; J- L; O0 w$ G, N6 n8 p: R/ J- P7 F  R
The updated mortgage interest rates are:
; O0 ~8 a/ c# N6 h" n% ~4 x: G" \  n  A) T* ~( F
* s8 {5 }9 T1 b) i/ f5 ?ONE YEAR FIXED CLOSED: 3.89%$ m, A$ j: B' Y1 I" W
7 c0 k5 g- }; ~" d: h. ITHREE YEARS FIXED CLOSED: 4.54%$ X$ ]* V( x- k8 P; h1 G, F  z
FOUR YEARS FIXED CLOSED: 4.59%) `) V/ [! s  A$ [% ~. `
1 K4 N  c5 Z0 t
$ k: ?5 V) v- k, H
( |2 J0 S+ ?2 k' M; I4 H7 e  s% _* E% Z1 @& A9 \1 @( Q# {7 H$ R. j0 ^
6 [2 Y; M/ S8 G: U3 _+ W* S
6 I) ^# c; Y6 c; r) d- g  q6 lTHANK YOU FOR ASKING!
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-21 11:19 | 显示全部楼层


原帖由 朱坚强 于 2009-1-20 13:21 发表
% t+ S. c; O3 |  K5 m$ zRBC lowers residential mortgage rates and introduces new five-year fixed closed mortgage offer
  }; |# u' ^  ?" u; l2 i7 z# E* v1 r9 y0 H4 _
    TORONTO, Jan. 20 /CNW/ - RBC Royal Bank announced today that it is
) O7 ~5 O$ a* c) L$ y, X7 x% A) Idecreasing its residential mor ...

- D7 }% M: e& b& j/ V% v; V
" ]( O7 ]. w, N+ L% c4 Z最新利率:
6 M. o% M# w& X. O; \& N) e( i0 P( M! u) S0 O8 C& J
五年浮动 PRIME +0.8% (PRIME IS 3.00% NOW!!!)
" [# X. p6 s& n一年定期: 3.89%; n# y9 U- j/ J7 s( ^3 H4 I
两年定期: 4.59%
% r7 p% g" J: h/ d+ i三年定期: 4.54%
: k0 g+ T! a4 f- f* s# ]' C5 C  U四年定期: 4.39%1 g2 j* F. N- U/ }+ L
五年定期: 4.49%
7 a+ `8 n* t1 f4 [/ F. x
* T& `3 V& H% x这些利率比您QUOTE 的利率都要低!!
鲜花(98) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-21 12:38 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-21 15:15 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 每天一点 于 2009-1-21 12:38 发表 . D  ^- L) R) B) M$ k
5 D. r  a# O" I
# y: m0 A& {; p  Z9 s3 b. b* ~3 v
今天的利率变化了很多次,我的网站可能没有来得及更新。 请您以这里的利率为准!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-23 21:19 | 显示全部楼层

回复 168楼 的帖子

At the end of 2005 when the bank of canada overnight rate was 2.25 %,  I got the mortgage rate at 4.44% for 5 years fixed closed and my friend got prime-1% for 5 years closed variable. Right now the overnight rate is 1 %, can I get mortage rate at  about 3 % for 5 years fixed closed or prime-1% for 5 years closed variable ?
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-24 09:35 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 mike19702000 于 2009-1-23 21:19 发表 ' M* \0 e" [( y5 W) j, B
At the end of 2005 when the bank of canada overnight rate was 2.25 %,  I got the mortgage rate at 4.44% for 5 years fixed closed and my friend got prime-1% for 5 years closed variable. Right now the o ...

( e, r7 d7 a& a
' D: n$ B, M" T  M  E. D% EUnfortunately I couldn't find out those rates you mentioned from the current market. The best 5 years fixed closed rate is 4.39%; 5 years variable closed rate is prime+0.8%. Please check my website www.happymortgages.com regularly for updated rates information./ I. Z( e$ Q5 |" b, }2 x" P) d
3 N) |  O+ n0 ^) H6 Y, v
Thannk you for the questions! Wish you and your family a happy Chinese New Year!
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-27 11:51 | 显示全部楼层

最新利率 -三年固定3.75%

最新利率 -三年固定 3.75% LIMITED TIME OFFER0 j8 T# V- M3 _& w

9 _5 e0 S7 S3 x. TWinter Warm Up – Quick Close Special
0 ^4 j, d1 H  l) _5 @0 f&#8226;        3.75% - 3 year fixed rate
7 Q. V& L: m" A5 T' c&#8226;        Must close within 45 days of application date5 a- Z7 ]5 \, X7 N' x
&#8226;        New transactions only. S# B9 v( z4 z4 D$ d
&#8226;        No Pre-approvals* ~; q/ ^# t3 _3 L; O- K9 d6 w' i
&#8226;        For conventional business for self or conventional rentals, add 0.15% to the rate
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-27 11:59 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-28 08:46 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
原帖由 平安是福 于 2009-1-27 11:59 发表
& L+ _" T9 t( C: c; X7 ]还会降息么?
; i8 ^0 L) P: q3 L/ F

: M- _6 i" O6 O1 e0 U很难讲!敬请留意本人网站发布的最新利率: www.happymortgages.com
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-2-3 13:06 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-4 06:35 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 SNOW.W 于 2009-2-3 13:06 发表 % ?! r6 I9 ?0 E

9 @, {1 R# d/ x' ?% x7 u8 ]6 S
3 D( S/ p6 t0 w2 u6 U4 R8 e" o6 @
. }1 z( g& ?+ j; W您可以选择3-5年的固定利率贷款, 如果期间换房, 您可以将剩余的贷款额转到新房的贷款额度里面去, 利率略有差异, 但不会有罚金。前提是必须在同一家银行办理, 两个贷款转接的时间区间, 因银行而异, 最长可达一年。
7 Y/ m  {% `$ I
/ V0 ~5 G- F( i0 d如果您需要更详尽的信息, 可以直接和我联系。5 o& x9 I% Z! x

) a7 U) K+ @; E, O8 k$ f' B) ]您太客气了, 以后您叫我郭森或者SAMSON 都行。
3 n2 Y) U% T6 ?0 o  J8 x: S  p. f/ R) p; |& u. v3 ]9 k+ }- w
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-2-6 12:56 | 显示全部楼层
郭先生,你好,想请教个问题,如果说需要买第二套房子,同时把原来的房子做抵押,也会拿到一些钱付首付,现在银行有个credit line limit 10000,(原来的职业),一分钱也没有用过,现在去update,可能可以有30000,如果这样的话,等到银行审批贷款的话,会有影响吗?比如说有了这个credit line, 银行就不会贷款给我们了,这种情况,我们需要去update credit line  吗?
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-6 14:09 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 依依0522 于 2009-2-6 12:56 发表
; L$ Q7 s# A, I( T郭先生,你好,想请教个问题,如果说需要买第二套房子,同时把原来的房子做抵押,也会拿到一些钱付首付,现在银行有个credit line limit 10000,(原来的职业),一分钱也没有用过,现在去update,可能可以有30000,如果这样的话, ...
- N/ [) C) f1 o) B
' ~# K; N; D* e8 b
您最好是在确定好第二套房子的价位后再去商议增加您LINE OF CREDIT 的事情, 如果现在提高额度, 对下一个贷款计划有一定的影响(银行一般用新额度的3%作为潜在的月供款, 即使您一分钱都没有使用)。 如果方便, 您可以联系我, 我会给您设计出最佳的贷款方案!5 G5 a0 `: b1 |9 P/ o4 E  ^

. R6 c. K5 u& \" r  c谢谢您的提问!
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-2-6 15:06 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-2-7 12:45 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-7 14:19 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 ComfortHardwood 于 2009-2-7 12:45 发表 7 Z1 x  ~2 a  l1 k0 C" w9 N' G! }

! ^+ G0 V' x3 e% J- l
7 Z* m4 p/ m* f大致匡算, 您贷款的额度应该在25万到32万之间,如果首期多于20%, 额度会更高一些。
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