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发表于 2008-11-25 15:19
Canada's Mortgage Market - CAAMP Report
 Canada's Mortgage Market - CAAMP Report ' I. e; \% c: L) }, c, r. O3 {: |
8 p: x( r0 H' s ^6 O
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
& I' a% s& z& ^: n; x) h2 N. C2 X
- _$ \( u9 U% w3 d. k/ Y, `/ i CAAMP has released its annual mortgage report and it's chock full of mortgage stats. Here's a rundown on the more notable ones:
: T K6 G# B5 Z* O+ b }$ \' ]' c2 j( G; r
5,250,000: The number of Canadian home owners with mortgages.
; d% v8 @ J# i& g4 I1 |29%: The percentage of Canadian homeowners who got a new mortgage in the last 12 months.
8 g7 ]2 ^9 h O+ V+ W86%: The percentage of people renewing or refinancing that stayed with their existing lender.
* k; e! L! s. }$136,000: The average mortgagor's equity. This equity equals 51.7% of their home value on average.
% h0 K$ R: V; R; q2 U22%: The percentage of mortgagors who took equity out of their homes in the past 12 months. People are spending more because last year it was 17%. 9 d5 V4 I2 y9 _
$41,000: The average equity that borrowers took out of their homes this year. That's up 16% from last year. The most common reason for borrowing this equity? Debt consolidation.
l7 I: K6 s2 y/ r50%: The ratio of new mortgages taken out in the last year with amortizations greater than 25 years.
2 D0 s: Q: v" r( ]' C5.41%: The average Canadian's mortgage rate. Last year it was 5.56%. - Q8 m0 u& `! D6 V) L
0.40%: The average interest rate improvement realized by people who refinanced in the past year. % d0 S& W. K9 o% h3 Y
1.59%: The average discount off of bank-posted rates.
: F0 h8 W4 b9 l }, l) @- [# h+ Q8 C1.96: The average number of quotes people get when shopping for a mortgage.
]/ T& T7 b1 Z* c0.28%: The percentage of Canadians who are 90 days or more past due on their mortgage. That's up just slightly from last year. " K: G1 c0 v& y2 G+ o
10%: The approximate decline in mortgage approvals that CAAMP foresees in 2009. 1 ]* u+ X7 j8 K" U4 F5 \0 }
36%: The percentage of Canadians who are aware that insured 40-year and 100% LTV mortgages have disappeared. 6 |2 b* G; v: y5 L( j# `5 o' ^* S
Peoples' favourite mortgage terms:4 V% d* N: N. i+ [
+ ] j) j: _5 _3 T7 d1-3 years: 29% of borrowers
$ W, _% [* g$ u: T9 {. ~" C4-5 year: 61% of borrowers / V; s% ?/ V4 ], w7 z1 ]" r$ z
Over 5 years: 10% of borrowers% U3 C! q! E7 w+ o# c
CAAMP says there's a noticeable trend in borrowers taking shorter terms when compared to last year.& O8 `; C, h5 Y
- i2 k3 S: A; cThere's also a big trend towards variable rates. 40% of mortgages were variable in the past year. In CAAMP's 2007 report the number was just 21%. CAAMP says that's because "consumers may be expecting interest rate reductions." We'd also like to think they're becoming more educated about the long-term advantage of variable rates.) I( t/ I, ?) l
( k/ m& M; V6 X9 S5 \2 }. |: a( [
Where did people get their new mortgages this year?
; G# U: i }) E. T
9 { H5 W# j; a! q: `. _Major banks: 47% : Y9 v- w( F) u% G9 u
Mortgage brokers: 35%
- {$ \8 A2 z6 R4 F4 ^9 B/ xCredit Unions: 11% ' U4 l" Q* {. R. B! ]: c/ D
Other: 6%
* s% ^1 G+ A: m* i( Q* x |