埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

楼主: 人行明镜中


鲜花(1005) 鸡蛋(11)
发表于 2012-12-1 08:56 | 显示全部楼层
Spring10 发表于 2012-11-26 16:44 , P4 H  {3 E% t; X# l/ z# x
你没有理解我的意思,但我完全可以理解你的感受,因为从你的帖子里可以读出你经历了很多其他人没有经历过 ...
6 d, r9 l; g7 w6 p" y" n
% Q3 ^' f$ E$ {/ g! iif you are young, it is OK.  if you are 43, 45, 47 years old, big risk for mother and children.5 T8 {5 O8 }8 t- d& B; d6 \9 ?: M$ p. k
many old mother cann't work, who pay? men or gov,taxpayer( same me) pay bills.
( V6 I- x4 D% w2 ithey enjoy social resource, who pay? taxpayer! let child live in the bad status, no good education,9 w* C& Z  ]$ l
no future, still low status, still enjoy social resource, it is not fair for taxpayer.
8 W9 \9 P: R1 h$ q% {Taxpayer 是对加拿大最大的贡献. I enjoy EI, still enjoy my money, because of I paid and still pay
% |$ U) \7 A4 V7 Q7 _- f+ K( J" tEI fees. I may enjoy 10 months, but I only enjoy 5 months, still working." P4 G) ^5 I5 ?! v* J+ d& ?- A
If you have no ability to take care of child, no touch. Making baby is the duty, big duty.5 K$ \+ `, L6 H1 H3 n% [! s3 j
now someone make baby, taxpayer pay bills.
+ p/ }5 t% I% E6 H* u  _& qIf I retire , I am readying my plan, now, I always work, pay taxes, pay CPP, of course,
' R/ D2 y, k" Z1 y+ h# W2 eI will enjoy my retiring plan! You have good wish, but you must have earning ability.
2 g' O' f) ~5 G9 @8 wif you anything depend on some one, no body like.
鲜花(615) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-12-1 11:36 | 显示全部楼层
人行明镜中 发表于 2012-11-28 20:34 . Q' D$ ?2 J9 t
不知道这里是不是"小孩至上", 但是感觉当地人是喜欢小孩的人才生,好像没有很强的社会责任感。他们更强 ...
2 I4 g, j  S  n2 t
鲜花(615) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-12-1 11:40 | 显示全部楼层
marie 发表于 2012-11-30 21:36 ) P5 d% C* J7 i; l' v
my mean: over 40 years old, 40-50 years chinese woman make second baby or third baby,
' V% I2 h# u: gthey depend ...

; D- A0 z2 _9 s) e你。。那个什么,不要把话题套在自己头上啊,没有说让你再生一个孩子。来加拿大以后我也没有打算再生孩子,所以才让我更加对那些有小孩子的家庭充满了敬佩与感激。
鲜花(1005) 鸡蛋(11)
发表于 2012-12-1 11:53 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
Spring10 发表于 2012-12-1 11:40
* _% R! q8 m. |你。。那个什么,不要把话题套在自己头上啊,没有说让你再生一个孩子。来加拿大以后我也没有打算再生孩子 ...
/ h( m9 T; S4 |$ {1 g& K2 ]
you think: 生小孩的家庭是对加拿大最大的贡献
$ ?2 e6 b2 e  ^8 R9 y% P. ]: SI think: Taxpayer 是对加拿大最大的贡献.3 A6 S" x# @7 D) `5 C5 @
you like to make the more and more babies, but you must support them,
3 A5 b4 O' l% lnow lots people make baby, taxpayer support their children.
鲜花(615) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-12-1 12:10 | 显示全部楼层
marie 发表于 2012-12-1 11:53
9 r. G3 y+ v3 [you think: 生小孩的家庭是对加拿大最大的贡献
. k7 P( G! U0 O8 D% }I think: Taxpayer 是对加拿大最大的贡献.
. Y) f0 t' F  ^you like to  ...

& v9 Q6 h! E  _# \9 P+ v6 t9 t) m% A如果没有小孩子,你的养老金从哪里来啊? 不要觉得我们现在被扣掉了那么多乱七八糟的钱,老了以后的养老金必须保障,如果那个时候没有那么多劳动力,钱从哪里来,你觉得政府是把我们的钱存在了银行里等着你老了以后给你吗? / w5 m( h) U# u/ n
  p" }, J4 t( Q4 Y+ e9 |# f  s* E
鲜花(1005) 鸡蛋(11)
发表于 2012-12-1 12:35 | 显示全部楼层
I always save and deposit money early, I depend on myself, gov's money too small,
2 J2 u+ c' i1 B! t* ~how old your child? in the future, you cann't depend on your child, child will charge you.
2 U$ J: w* w: {$ e, ?) j# yIf I am heavy sick and too old, I should be not  waste resources,I never depend on my daughter.
鲜花(1005) 鸡蛋(11)
发表于 2012-12-1 13:24 | 显示全部楼层
Spring10 发表于 2012-12-1 12:10
& M: r9 a! g2 r0 k如果没有小孩子,你的养老金从哪里来啊? 不要觉得我们现在被扣掉了那么多乱七八糟的钱,老了以后的养老金 ...
4 b: t+ v! V) }% y
do you know 安乐死?2 O9 t- b3 N7 _9 l" j5 T
I  do long time retire plan, sametimes I will consider the 安乐死.
鲜花(1337) 鸡蛋(54)
发表于 2012-12-16 18:53 | 显示全部楼层
Spring10 发表于 2012-11-17 16:47
% M" w5 Q* |+ Y- X所以我一直对有很多小孩的家庭充满了敬佩跟感激。。。
4 R' q. I5 i3 F5 e/ S# O9 E! d
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