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本帖最后由 ceramistpalace 于 2010-1-11 23:01 编辑
6 \4 m. D j, L. b5 R8 @2 T请教小黑炭儿和其他懂行的朋友一个问题:
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如果2000英尺的造价是30万,同样的房型,将建筑面积扩展10%,造价会增加多少?! }, r6 G0 P5 z S6 S- t4 q4 y+ G
WST 发表于 2010-1-11 10:55 
) u7 a" U; A8 n1 MThis is a question of no definite answer indeed, all depends on how much extra the builder wanna make. If the price you pay is 300K for 2000 sq ft, the $150/sq ft unit price has included the builder's all costs and its profit on top, so if the builder wanna make the most, it just simply raise the price by 10% which is truly over charging you. There are costs remain unchanged even the total sq ft increase 10% or a bit more. The cost of excavation, foundation cost (if the extra area is built on top of the garage), furnace/ kitchen cabinets/ plumbing/ utilities connection fees, etc costs would basically remain the same. An honest/reasonable builder (I doubt most of them are) will only factor in the actual cost increase, then add on its profit margin; in this case , your price increase should be well below 30K. |