鲜花( 28)  鸡蛋( 0)
本帖最后由 AASTAR 于 2013-9-9 21:39 编辑 ; o1 B k( G5 B% |& [5 i
ceramistpalace 发表于 2013-9-9 21:07 8 O9 z" ~% b$ |! M% |) Q
本人愚鈍,閣下解說,我依稀明白,不過若要僱人作業,當然找個合格有牌的,既然有償,又何苦與自己過不去 ...
4 T3 k6 D/ b6 Q" I2 `7 s/ L6 o7 f: f2 b2 T+ F4 Z0 t& x
这个是HOMEOWNER PERMIT的第一段,你声明全部工作是你自己做的,你自己承担全部责任。你让朋友做,你自己违法了,你朋友也违法了。我要在这个PERMIT下帮你做,我也违法了。
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0 i/ R7 `" z, b( WResponsibility of the Homeowner – Neither the granting of a permit, nor the approval of plans and specifications, nor inspections by a Safety Codes Officer shall in any way relieve the homeowner from full responsibility for carrying out the work in strict accordance with the Safety Codes Act and, the current adopted Canadian Electrical Code Part I.
/ y& L7 [9 W2 Y. X0 t% G. r; Q" N0 i* U" t* Y. _# r9 c* Y
I hereby declare that I am the owner of the premises in which the work will be conducted and reside in that residence. I am performing the electrical work myself, and assume responsibility for compliance with all applicable Acts, Codes & Regulations.
5 A+ Q0 J0 O v. x' @* X
) W7 x4 t9 D! M2 w, CHOMEOWNER’S SIGNATURE: __________________________________________________________ |