鲜花( 1005) 鸡蛋( 11)
离婚后一直单身,是最明智的选择,摆脱了很多琐碎的家庭矛盾。而且自己是个很会“一个人玩儿”的人,女儿都working,亲人很nice,没有孤独感,I am happy I have nice parents, no more 七大姑八大姨,
- V, Z. k# Q1 b1 g9 f u8 n王智翔 case, reason: 七大姑八大姨.
, k2 y8 C. X+ X U1 LYesterday bought a new camera, tomorrow will go to canmore.
6 Z" {: \% w# n换一个又一个男人, reason: cann't cover herself, depending on the man. I know some woman, when husband laid off, or sick, they left, if the husband get job again, they request to reunion, same as my EX. In chinese, when you have a job, other around you, when you lost the job, they avoid you. |