鲜花( 499) 鸡蛋( 10)
what is cbc? Do you mean is he a white guy?
; R. r2 A: O. y- j( H& a7 W5 Q
0 i, m& Z4 H Z+ b6 w$ HNo, he is not, but almost. He came here when he was five, he can understand most of the chinese, but hardly speak chinese.
- E3 F/ N/ V2 p+ X# P5 l' n4 Z5 b如果这是真的 发表于 2010-7-2 09:36
" C P8 h! t8 S/ T h( g9 Z, d, X! m1 c/ A( c* ?! j* Z6 o* U
cbc = canadian born chinese- ?2 _5 V, ]; g0 j, \: y
, Y' ?" c1 d" @& V/ Y( R" W
THAT explains why, haha ... damn bananas. Ya don't take it personally, their moral values are a bit different than us traditional chinese. Even if they commit to relationships they want freedom and a lot of personal space. They usually have busy schedules and are a little flaky. But it's perfectly normal for them ... Im just saying most of them are, not being stereotyping.
4 W) `% y: d8 g1 R) h$ V+ W8 X4 V4 y( |! h# C1 a9 h
Date 一个香蕉就跟date一个白人一样,他们喜欢给自己标榜自由和独立。比方说我要跟朋友周末去滑雪,钓鱼什么的,我没必要事先告诉你,因为这是我的自由,只要我不是在干些出轨的事就行了。而且我也会expect你有自己的圈子,你爱去哪干些啥几点回家不用跟我报告。你要有心理准备。如果你是那种放不开,小心眼多,爱emo, 在感情上斤斤计较的小女人,date一个Cbc是很痛苦的。
; @. d! @9 q( Q$ J3 W5 m
$ O! M# L L6 T* O* ^+ EJ是红酒,D是白开水。既然选的是红酒,就别抱怨酒后头疼,要学会去品尝,学会缓解酒精的作用。其实我觉得楼主应该两个都甩了,去找一杯带着红酒味的白开水,哈哈。 |