股市并没有因为Fed Beige Book Release 而下跌,美元/加元也顺利跌破1.2960支撑。 - |9 z: d- }. H郁闷中……5 z8 z; J z( ]( m: G S, {" A
实际上美元/加元只高过我的止损点不到三秒钟,而且只高过仅仅3点,这种事情经常发生不是吗?缺的仅仅是一点运气。1 K( B1 d8 w' s Y c. D4 F$ B
让人痛心疾首的瑞郎,真的,我的止赢如果设在1.1761今天都会有巨大的收获,因为反弹最高就到1.17605,仅仅0.5点的点差。我晕! " W3 r9 A& x; }5 {; c' ^/ _4 p1 w不过想想那个专家的心情,也许必我更难过。! h0 e+ ^& }! N' g
Continuing on with our lower dollar theme, USDCHF looks to be teetering on the edge of a wave 3 collapse while below 1.1780. Based on the highlighted minor uptrend line break, I am offering 2 units of USDCHF at 1.1725 and 1 more unit at 1.1760 with stops for all 3 units at 1.1810. Initial take profit for the first unit is 1.1650 and stop loss for 2 units goes to 1.1780. Take profit from the next unit is 1.1505, stop loss move to 1.1700 for the remaining unit, which will have an open target. 5 s0 H) r0 V# P& N! e. H5 `& s3 b. A$ c" j3 `
[ 本帖最后由 紫光 于 2009-3-5 11:46 编辑 ]
股市恶梦结束,按照某专家说法,6500点是底,那么今天几乎就快到了。( E4 E, G. g- H w$ l7 T) ]$ y
明天有NFP报告,6500不堪一击。 ' D. j/ U/ _; @2 A1 {: Q& M无论如何,澳元在最后时刻顶住了股市的压力,小时图还是收在0.6370之上,所以我还不准备平仓,看看最后一小时的汇市能否守住。技术上讲,从其他货币的表现看应该可以守住。