鲜花( 1115)  鸡蛋( 0)
选一个点,大家一起去!; u: W l. Y, D4 O+ U2 J
- N# m, L2 h2 P3 D0 W
Lake Eden is one of the deepest pothole lakes in the Edmonton area. This can make it more difficult to fish due to the lack of shoal area. With a very small surface area, Eden Lake has two main points on the lake. Expect to catch Rainbows up to 18" with the occasional fish over 20". I have hooked three fish over 24" in this lake so I would anticipate a skilled angler will require 7 - 10 full days fishing this lake before getting a really nice hookup. ; B2 `3 q9 @' g* u
6 v/ m) S& h" N* S
There is $5.00 fee to use the boat launch and park at this lake, or you can walk down from the gate for free with your equipment. I have only had to pay the $5.00 fee once in three years. The management is never around.
% B) F- U+ _* m
8 s! J' ^$ r0 ^# r# yHasse Lake Doc's Web page for directions
3 _: ?, @) D( t+ o+ o, L& N5 a2 L- \( S9 m4 r
There were reports that low oxygen levels had delayed if not stopped the stocking of fish in May for the 2003 season but the oxygen levels had risen and the lake had been stocked. C" Q+ H. r* m! }% y
2 b# \7 G' G5 N5 m5 ]
One of the more popular Edmonton fisheries, Hasse is annually stocked with Rainbow Trout. This is a great lake for numbers of fish caught where an average day's fishing will produce a pile of 10 - 14" fish with one usually around 16" - 18". My personal best out of this lake has been a 22" Rainbow. It was very fat and very strong. Water clarity at Hasse is always only average.
1 J: y5 \/ o# _0 j5 C% z/ z: J
2 I+ r8 J* E4 N$3.00 entry fee if you plan to launch a boat or park at the lake. A parking lot outside of the park area is available so you may carry your gear down for free.
7 a; Y w0 m4 y$ ~8 G+ m C8 D
) I0 \% C; E) [4 T& i, eJack fish lake Doc's Web page for directions $ B7 G) Q6 W \ ^
1 {6 y3 e' @4 Z: Q! w, f4 \& L: @This is one of the closest Pike lakes from Edmonton. It's somewhat sheltered with dense trees around the shoreline and some great bays for fly-casting. Lots of smaller Pike here in the 1 - 4 pound mark. # R5 e) h, ]4 f+ e( J/ G6 D/ k& p
8 o2 X' U* |( P# s0 |" f& G3 S
Mink Lake Doc's Web page for directions
2 M7 p# z7 O# _+ U8 ^" r, U5 a; X; m0 b1 p' X. M. P
I have only fished this lake one time with a partner. The Pike that we did catch on flies were very small (around 2 pounds). There is a charge to fish this lake.
t- w! m& d) q) w3 \% p( U. W2 M: Z
$ m( M; w2 C, D7 uMuir Lake Doc's Web page for directions
+ o7 j4 w) B+ L- b( `# {7 `0 D4 @3 w8 [
This will be the second year that this lake has been stocked. The trout that got stocked in 2003 should now be reaching the 20cm – 40cm mark with some possibly reaching the 50cm mark (19 inches) by October.
& u, v' l8 w, y5 \4 d
8 k8 y( K, _" f! Z% KDesigned as a trophy fishery, Muir lake has special regulations which include: 1 i1 F: \8 k% ]- k
9 ]5 d; r7 U7 e7 p$ a! [) |No fishing from November 1 st – April 30 th
# p7 ?$ ]: `1 b1 S- WArtificial lures only (no bait)
- P' C4 s: f- X# g. M U, nAnglers may keep one fish per day over 50cm (all fish under 50cm must be released) , y7 j a6 j7 N* j; Y
A plan to have no gas motors (electric only)
: ?* ^, B3 a9 n4 K+ W' F) lI am looking forward to fishing Muir Lake in the next couple of years. To find out more about all the hard work and exactly what is being done to build this new trophy lake click here . You can also read Doc's article on Muir Lake by clicking here. Hats off to all the people that put in the time and energy to make this a reality. ( X! K2 y& J6 l! H- e, h
7 L: w, V2 Y* I4 b, G4 ^; I
Spring Lake Doc's Web page for directions # ^" r+ Z7 X8 m$ |
" Y' D0 J0 t2 s2 Q" Q$ k( [0 Q
This is the official lake of the Edmonton Trout Club (or that is what I am told) and has two aerators in place for the winter months. Spring Lake is very shallow with a menial depth of only 6-7 feet. This makes for some HUGE insect growth but used to leave the fish very few places to survive the low oxygen levels in the winter months. Thanks to the Edmonton Trout Club, the aeration systems have turned this lake in to a wonderful place to fish . Expect to catch one fish over 20 inches in two or three trips to this lake. In my opinion, Spring Lake Rainbows feel very powerful compared to the other lakes close by and I feel this is directly related to the aeration. - ^4 w9 ^3 w& Q" ~% n7 h& ]
. c4 s L1 O3 G; m) m4 RA fee of $4.00 is required if you launch a boat or plan to park down at the lake. Free entry can be gained by parking at the gate and taking the short walk down to the lake with all of your equipment. T3 W) g; K' a4 u- M: c# h
$ M2 i- L" R& J4 L4 A
Star Lake Doc's Web page for directions
8 H% r2 j4 h' L* U. d8 T( x$ M$ O( b) c2 l4 Z- E
A small pothole lake with some nice quality fishing. The lake is well sheltered from the wind compared to some of the others. Free access and good parking at the waterfront. 8 i# m1 K b( ~+ C
" e5 r3 E( A) @* mSauer Lake Doc's Web page for directions
) I+ n. U" g3 H; e* f( p. o Z7 y6 i+ a/ V! j, R( s
Sheltered from the wind, this is a very small pothole lake. Sauer is subject to winterkill and has problems with murky water but still produces some nice rainbows. A 17" Rainbow is the largest that I have caught in this lake. A major bonus with this lake is when the wind is gusting from 30 - 40km/h; this lake can still be fished in a float tube without having to battle large waves.
/ L3 |) E9 S* L- S0 R" J* J! S" [9 e! ?# ^ f4 T9 R
East Pit Lake Doc's Web page for directions ' |' s! o, W3 Y( N
% i d( C2 X4 H, [
East Pit Lake is a reclaimed coal operation for the Edmonton area. A recreational sport fishery was created by Trans-Alta to reclaim the landform since the main open pit mining operation was stopped and relocated. This lake has a great population of fish, some nice 14 - 16" fat football shaped fish are caught consistently but over the last few years, reports of larger fish (over 20 inches) have slowed down. The shore fishing pressure is brutal on this lake, I have seen over 50 people with rods in the water on several occasions.
' K" C T7 V+ H; v4 Q' b& ^' Z( C) M3 j+ F) J$ R% R
Lakes within 120 minutes of Edmonton
% I7 m1 z; X6 `Dolberg Lake Doc's Web page for directions
, I/ f! g+ T# Q( F
3 x3 c; R" r1 DDolberg is a fantastic fishery. Rainbows up to five pounds are caught consistently and most with the classic football shape. The lake has a good assortment of bottom structure and my personal best from this lake being a 21-inch Rainbow with a huge girth. Freshwater Shrimp are very abundant in this lake as well as Leaches and Dragonfly nymphs. This is one of my favorite lakes in the Edmonton area and due to the extra distance from Edmonton it receives less pressure than Spring, Star or Hasse.
/ y3 l) z# M. ]7 Z! U: M; l7 ^6 C" x( I0 R% d/ g+ l! c
Millers Lake Doc's Web page for directions 7 X7 e0 T- b0 Y7 H" m: m9 U) C
; Z9 E/ r! l" w$ p
Another of the successful lake aeration projects, Millers is a very shallow pothole lake. The majority of the lake is only 9 - 13 feet with the deepest part that I could find being 31 feet. There are many drop off's, several submerged logs and excellent weed beds on the North West side of this lake. Dragonfly nymphs and medium sized streamers fished on a wet line are very productive. 9 p$ A9 h1 ^* |) O
5 q& o3 _' O: f" L
Pegasus (Carson Lake)
/ \3 x2 }4 _! U9 N9 e" k7 L
, m# W7 ]! v/ F/ Q, Y+ K0 RThis lake is the most popular trout lake in Alberta. Popular patterns include:
% A' d! ^' |! K. g( `5 p7 w2 l* e& v
- o0 Z/ [: [( c U+ O A$ mThe 52 Buick : M y! o* i8 W0 u2 u4 C3 M
Olive Wooly Bugger
[1 |# H- F, H* j4 _Warner Shrimp
( k6 Y$ A* k( |2 p/ xDouble Shrimp
- l/ k5 y- f7 D; Z% nThis lake has some very large Rainbows that grow at phenomenal rates.
" V2 U W$ G7 z4 i2 kChain Lakes (Athabasca)
- C6 I% r7 H6 B3 E$ e+ ~, Z# X% D9 J ?/ K4 S, n. K7 ?0 m
Chain is an excellent lake for numbers of fish, and has some very nice size Rainbows. I have had days at Chain getting into 50 - 60 fish with some of them around 16 inches and one at 18 inches. There are defiantly larger fish in this lake.
- u9 x- G0 X8 ]1 Q
5 X5 U6 X' i7 j; FShemeluk (checking spelling still)
/ l/ Q3 u0 c/ o# R _0 V" M
9 m/ F5 J8 y: F* E0 v$ I( ZA great little lake and I do mean little. With protruding weed beds, four large Beaver dams and a steep shoal, this lake has a decent fish population. Another lake for numbers of fish rather than size, I really enjoy the casting challenge. Shemeluk is approximately 34 feet deep (the deepest hole that I could find anyway), it has a very shallow boat launch at 1.5 feet deep for about 200 feet out from the shore and fairly turbid watercolor. Over all, I was very impressed and think it's wonderful lake. |