President Donald Trump paid only $750 in federal income taxes for the years 2016 and 2017, as he successfully ran his 2016 campaign for president and began his first term as president of the United States, according to tax records obtained by The New York Times, revealed Sunday in a report that claims Trump spent years avoiding paying any federal income taxes because he lost more money than he made. ! ?) |, p5 I9 v7 O" N" C* M" H* `% @) q$ Y6 _4 }2 ? R
billzhao 发表于 2020-10-27 07:28! J. v" A0 t' Z! T
President Donald Trump paid only $750 in federal income taxes for the years 2016 and 2017, as he suc ...
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Sportsbet表示,看好拜登的彩客押下逾10万注彩注,均已兑付彩金。 3 S. B$ M; E" ]1 B) j. W* p. e8 X7 }& _