鲜花( 1005)  鸡蛋( 11)
人行明镜中 发表于 2013-10-19 22:58 5 M; U; I) }. }" m3 {, ]: ~3 k# o* u
用开车去锻炼,我还是不太能接受。我还是主张除非必须,能少开就少开,毕竟你无法预料在你的周围是不是存在 ...
+ X% E$ \$ T# |1 T3 Y* mbanff, japser, yellowstone, 必须开车,2006-2009, I lived and worked in US 3 years, from Mi-KS-Tx,
7 L% a4 s+ }" d( Sinterview, moving, found apartment,必须开车.anywhere, anytime, 你的周围是存在risk?1 t9 e# p9 b B8 N
if there is no US 3 years 开车锻炼, no more this seattle, victoria and this may OR and WA 自驾游,- `/ W* w* ?6 X8 O% X
last year yellowstone 自驾游 and 2011 温哥华 自驾游, 用开车去锻炼, let I got many offers, no car,
* j6 F2 e; s0 ]! a# f; h# Sthere are no more work offer. from Houston to Edmonton, from Edmonton - windsor(ON), 用开车
$ B; w$ ]4 P. O7 u/ Y/ i7 jfinished moving.My daughter passed senior 5, she can drive benff and highway, if she has no more a car# l/ N* W. K& u
she cann't do 2 jobs.10 years ago, I picked up my mom to ottawa, QC, by my self driving.
4 H: `+ i* D3 n' U7 e! H. ]2 S6 BNow every day I drive a car in highway 2, no car, no job, almost my every job, need a car,) U R2 K; n D& E. Z8 _9 b
I don't know to take a bus, I only know drive a car to work and life! |