it will depend on what other debt you have , how steady you job is., V1 b+ ~9 D/ L! Q
+ N- `% s6 Z& o
kids age , your life style, other income , and what do you willing to give up.5 H5 z0 V M! `7 x6 B% v& |: o/ U% p' D
, Q' ~' r* E$ u% M6 @..... don`t just relay on the data your financial institution give you . ....
楼主,我向来是那种看贴补回帖的人,但是看完之后很想告诉你一些我个人的真实体会和想法。2 C# P2 N0 Y, V
: s0 X: N, x. `5 Y' c l
我们家的房子也是刚买不久,当初觉得买四十多万的够住就好了,后来看房之后越看越大越贵,甚至都看到了八九十万的 ... & S2 G h: \1 n& L快乐宝宝 发表于 2010-11-25 01:19