鲜花( 53)  鸡蛋( 0)
我们家也是一样的,呵呵。在我们那个小区,daytona 和 landmark都是这样做车库的。steriling home只是挖六个洞然后灌注水泥。
1 h, A$ E, _3 ^8 d非常兔兔007 发表于 2010-7-13 10:37  ( r. r( f4 `! |2 b0 C
Are you sure? I am quite surprised to know that daytona/landmark built garages this way, it is not their usual practice, really, if so, it must be part of the architectural controls. If you are not asked to pay extra, probably it is included in the pricing and the builder just had not told you of that. Check you blueprints and you would know if your garage had footings or foundations. The 6 holes that sterling homes made actually had nothing to do with footings or foundations, they were for pouring of concrete pilings underneath the garage floor. |