对于希腊问题最终的结果是,欧洲各国决定给希腊一个hug,然后说:“I love you, man!, but sorry.".! `; Z: L) W1 I
由此今天应该空军会占主导地位。 * F7 W9 C" S i6 H我们可能需要继续关注标普1047的支撑第二次被测试。 ) P( J( U0 X- p3 N; i1 {: W紫光 发表于 2010-2-11 08:05
. @: T) w9 z, P# ~9 ^0 ?) mEuropean leaders struck a deal to provide financial aid to Greece on Thursday, in an unprecedented move to stave off a broader crisis in the 16-nation bloc that shares the euro single currency. D, p! d3 n8 k Y) Y" W* k3 [ G; a+ n- o+ G7 Y: U* O
The action came as European Council President Herman Van Rompuy said at the conclusion of a summit of European leaders in Brussels that euro-zone countries have pledged to support Greece through its debt crisis, but don't need to provide financial support right now. ( Y, k/ `! ^- J5 N1 y" r. U/ _- t" H ' }/ T. X4 g5 K: u9 a( A. Z救完希腊,下一个可能是葡萄牙或者西班牙。我现在尽量避免开新头寸,同时减少现有头寸。