鲜花( 1181)  鸡蛋( 48)
本帖最后由 小黄 于 2010-1-6 08:40 编辑
6 |8 A, g; c+ f; q6 F9 s6 P+ C, y4 r黄教授说的够浅显易懂了,受教
; r! O4 Q9 s8 B ?% Z- R9 A# ]+ D
' U5 w+ ~- w. W t' R2 G$ P# y' W8 b/ x. x
按city of edmonton网站的数据,明年a会有大约5%的增长,全城房屋平均降了大约10%
8 o7 f# L2 U7 }( e. t+ Z4 l$ s [0 h如果你的估值比去年下降的比率为x,则7 ]: Z2 y: V( [& |2 t; f, H+ l
2009年 N2009=a*b/c h: p' F/ t' r' {
2010年 N2010=1.05a*(1-x)*b/0.9c=1.1667*(1-x)*N20091 L( q# |* Z2 D% ?' s
所以x至少为0.143,也就是估价至少要降14.3%,今年的地税才能与去年持平。* b5 P) ~! d. f
/ J$ z! ]3 d3 P2 k1 X1 ?% Pnowave 发表于 2010-1-6 00:57 
7 D& Z& ]5 e) b% N7 f$ E$ O9 d+ W5 O/ [4 _! C
Only one problem, the total number of houses increased. Suppose that 2% more tax are collected due to new house and home renovation, then the estimate would drop for about 12~13% for most mid level houses.
6 ?+ a8 d. U, F9 h+ Z. n$ }
7 R7 `0 P% h" ^, w/ [ R$ [5 JI do notice a new trend that:
) ^4 M8 |" [' p; }# k/ V' P! h2 A1) newer houses are evaluated more than old ones, even if the market prices are the same (I think it's due to lobbying by seniors). This is a reversal back to the policy prior to 2007., Z V1 F6 v, D" g6 N! N
/ R ~2 W7 a* p3 ?$ n2) higher end houses are evaluated less than mid/low end ones. Many million dollar houses in Eagle Ridge are evaluated at about $700k, which is only 60%~70% of market value. (Probably due to lobbying by rich people) |