鲜花( 32)  鸡蛋( 0)

楼主 |
发表于 2009-7-8 19:58
7 ?4 A/ @1 f" }- I具体情况可能各有不同,但有个朋友计算过,STUDENT LOAN扣除要还的那部分,实际到手的跟FUNDING差不多。
% |9 u4 k2 {1 t0 _" G- @打比方:可能有人申请FUNDING,除了学费外,生活费1年12000;但如果是申请学生贷 ...
h; R G5 G8 |& Q7 r8 Hpaul.dbyu 发表于 2009-7-1 18:03 
+ d; F" G% J0 ~& N8 Q0 \- |
% T; K* J8 A( u" i- h. lstudent load不用全额还,这一点没错,政策如下:http://alis.alberta.ca/ps/fo/studentsfinance/finished.html
3 ]# w3 z% A" b
- q/ @5 K9 P8 ], p2 r# I9 IStudent loan Relief Program Completion Payment
: S3 Q P0 y# o' x& I' P" h/ n; q1 k7 \& o R# ^
The Loan Relief Program Completion Payment is automatically awarded to qualifying students at the end of their studies. It is designed to provide you with a helping hand when it comes time to pay back your student loans by reducing your overall debt load.
- E/ _1 B, N v, u1 }+ w. w1 e Y* g/ V8 @0 [/ z) i; S
To qualify, you must:
. ~0 C0 u; d5 Z: P( u3 Z( _/ U4 C) q( d; d
* have completed (graduated or left) full-time, post-secondary studies, and
2 X2 _! J" p8 w4 f# t * have an Alberta Student Loan, and
3 e h. N: u8 l2 [- ? * have exceeded the minimum debt level for your program." s ~; U4 @7 F
# \3 [: v0 Z5 _8 B9 x
就是说仅the minimum debt level部分需用本金+利息归还,超过部分由Student loan Relief Program还。而the minimum debt level不同的program不一样
* @3 v* {; R j- F* cDiploma Program 2 x 8 month year $14,2802 t7 Q2 V3 D( L+ j. J
Degree Program 4 x 8 month year $28,560
6 i) V$ d- j9 ]7 `) s3 R/ xMaster's Program $42,840- s- x) q1 B9 }& ]2 `: [/ |
PhD Program $47,840) a" m/ k' W0 }( O! s* @( P
5 r9 `3 t4 D7 T) }: U也就说如果读deploma或degree的话,超过7140的部分不用归还(一年)。
9 N* H* v/ l" r$ ]) H4 f/ V( g% a0 y, Y$ v( O8 t& T
最多可获得的贷款额度计算公式:每月生活费X学期月数+学费书本费-每月收入X学期月数-其他收入, m' _, R( p; N! A
其中每月生活费标准见:http://alis.alberta.ca/pdf/stude ... eCostsInfoSheet.pdf, 两口之家是1873,三口是2322。以三口之家计每月生活费X学期月数=2322X8=18576,学费书本费一年在4500左右,故最多可获得的贷款额度是23076(假设没有收入),那么有23076-7140=15936是不用归还的。" Q/ Y. O& t9 o5 M
" k+ \1 f6 U1 N不知道我的理解和计算是否正确。 |