鲜花( 3)  鸡蛋( 0)

楼主 |
发表于 2008-7-22 13:23
原帖由 古月照今城 于 2008-7-22 13:19 发表 # p# d0 W% x0 e- s* G2 s" O
7 years ago, we were there for a short holiday.
" i/ S( w3 e9 [4 L/ B5 R% u @
4 r& w6 g3 R9 h" bWe ride a boat to the other side to the shore, which is Montana, U.S. 2 e( |! l8 G0 x/ [# ]3 C
5 r- C$ F, ]9 n M& J# S; |
The lake was so clear, and lots of fishes...... very nice scenery ...
/ w2 \1 F: V( R$ }" c
' p; d) j, q' E是的,waterton lake那边是美国境内的Glacier National Park,面积是waterton的好几倍,但至今还没机会去。
8 f% l d2 T4 e; e* L _
) M+ F0 W2 L* A( U+ H0 z* F某天如果拖上一条船,在湖中畅游就更惬意了。 |