Google太强大了:see here: $ H6 F) `6 D: G( _+ _& w" x2 }* h5 W& r: S. ` N+ d& E ... mmon-questions.aspx ( w p7 `9 i# n6 G B1 Z" @ 8 n W @4 L2 I ' R* Q) f% M7 K. n( I5 Y7 O- K1 r: I; n0 LIf you’ve come across an error in your assessment notice, contact us first. 7 ~! a! d5 z& Z3 o* Z4 F ! C% \ O2 E K# j5 Z% qMost assessment-related concerns can be resolved by speaking with a 311 agent or assessor—with no formal complaint fees required. 5 W2 o" d4 X3 o# c0 Y" w2 O2 Y. f2 k: |+ K) z9 l2 g! y$ _
To help us address your concerns more effectively, have your latest assessment notice in front of you with the "account" number and "valuation group" information ready. # k0 Z" P+ s3 `- q# i- Q ( w# G2 g* [: m7 V4 GIt is important that you contact us as quickly as possible so that we can make any necessary corrections.