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从天上看下来,我家最后面的部分象一个凹字。房子总体是“口凹”(口字凹字连在一起)。“凹”左边当然要高一些因为房子宽度大于车库宽度,“凹”右边是车库。“凹”底部是 走道和half bath。“凹”的凹进去的部分都是窗户,然后“凹”字凹进去的部分在户外是deck.这样deck三面都有墙(我妈开玩笑说加个顶就可以在外面做饭了)3 P Z r6 Z" e+ T. L3 o
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ic, now I know what type of house you are talking about now! 3 P+ E7 ^( O c7 I& ~I live in the same neighborhood too and have seen that house type before.