The third one, when the builder put it on the market, the asking price was 350K, plus 10K for landscaping, 5K for Appliances. I think 410K is a fair price. By the way, the yard is pretty big plus facing south. ) e. J( m7 X2 u$ s i
I got a corner lot, be honest, I don't see any issues at all. on the other hand, all my bedrooms got nice view instead of facing neighbor's wall. ) G. b' |0 E3 ?( ^
Bluesky_AL 发表于 2014-3-10 15:12 % S) N% E& S1 K8 ^) T" Q
I got a corner lot, be honest, I don't see any issues at all. on the other hand, all my bedrooms go ...
3 {! w( d4 P# T7 J8 p
not all corner lots are the same, sound like you have a good one.
Bluesky_AL 发表于 2014-3-10 15:12 5 i8 t! Y4 O) d5 `- uI got a corner lot, be honest, I don't see any issues at all. on the other hand, all my bedrooms go ...
9 Y5 M$ R! Z' e
对,并不是所有的coner lot 都不好。它也有好的一面。具体问题具体分析。