鲜花( 20)  鸡蛋( 0)

楼主 |
发表于 2010-6-17 21:23
本帖最后由 rainbowfish 于 2010-6-17 22:51 编辑
* X) |9 O4 e0 j4 R6 L5 m3 V
' x, i) |" g0 z$ H( `關於Allstones Lake 幾個Trail的介紹:6 P8 Y2 L6 o6 |) ?, R; _
Access from Highway 11 at Allstones Creek along Lake Abraham, the trail climbs over 500 m in the 3.2 km distance. The trail provides a spectacular view of Allstones Lake from above, as well as some great vistas.
) m/ b; S8 [( R1、Mud Creek
) I/ U- l: F- w/ ~0 pWith out any trail to speak of this hike will be work, as the terrain is broken and has steep sections to go along with the bushwhacking. 1 n4 Y( q+ k2 I- m S+ O! K
2、Allstones Creek
4 n" @( j9 }* R* S/ fThe half day and the many stream crossings will make this jaunt a whole lot of fun for every member of the family. The half day 5.4 km cuts through the gorge up to the waterfall.1 R- ?2 k4 G9 z, P1 _( U+ Y. A
3、Allstones Lake" I7 o4 M m5 c4 ? C8 b
Even though it only takes a few hours to get to Allstones Lake you will want to stop along the way and take in some of the amazing views. So do plan to spend the day.
' ?0 e. r d6 t4、Windy Ridge Point; S( t& ~9 w4 y. C4 T3 D
Climbing 3.6 km in a short 3.6 km is a fairly steep climb along to along with some scrambling. 6 Z/ i: y' Z! m5 g
5、Hoodoo Creek1 Y" W A( y" V5 W9 l
Hoodoo are not the only site to see along the half day 5.2 km hike. The gravel path also leads to cave above the hoodoos.
/ y. Q6 q; w3 @! {, ~" m
; ?8 G# n+ q6 j9 F如果一天的話,不知道能否把3和4 拿下來? |