鲜花( 0)  鸡蛋( 0)
本帖最后由 aoyu 于 2010-4-14 15:19 编辑 4 Z6 \, e: M. n1 S" v
建筑大多数工种都不要经验吗?像flooring, roofing, siding, framing, dry-walling, etc.?& d+ J% y, }7 D" V8 G7 s! s( R: L
ama 发表于 2010-4-14 11:13 
2 G y; n+ E* e7 |你说这些已经不算是纯粹的labour工了。我说的是和建筑行业相关的labour工,比如装卸建筑材料,打扫现场,都是些辅助性质的工作。3 c9 D3 W2 o0 A
还有Landscape labourer ,主要的工作是Assist with landscape constructions, Weed, prune and trim trees and plants, Cut grass, Rake/ collect refuse, Remove litter and garbage, Cart and spread topsoil and other materials, Lay sod or seed, Plant bulbs, flowers, shrubs and trees, Apply fertilizers, Water lawns/gardens |