鲜花( 98)  鸡蛋( 0)
7w两个小孩的四口之家,每月到手肯定是超过4000了! c7 N& X& R+ z$ @# U9 c
Payroll Deductions Online Calculator
9 d q/ s; Z8 d2 `4 D8 SResults - Effective January 1, 2009
2 w/ p4 H& |) R; a- f- d- b! {* pEmployee's name * `1 B! G/ C: r6 z
Employer's name some one
, D9 g i6 N1 m; `$ [Pay period Monthly (12 pay periods a year)
4 o0 Q2 U8 a. E. e2 P( ]Pay period ending date
/ A4 x/ d8 ~5 EProvince of employment Alberta
2 _0 t5 Q. o9 pFederal amount from TD1 Claim Code 1 (Minimum - 10,100.00)+ P; C: B: Q, X
Provincial amount from TD1 Claim Code 1 (Minimum - 16,775.00)
, |7 \' r8 n1 OSalary or wages for the pay period 6,000.009 ^" e, g* {: I3 V: \! _+ d" b6 `, u
Total EI insurable earnings for the pay period 6,000.00
3 B4 t& Z g2 a% ^4 t1 lTaxable income 6,000.001 b5 U7 n3 O$ B8 n
Cash income for the pay period 6,000.00. t& e" X% ]( w
Federal tax deductions 918.57
. F: f' d2 @- }. {" jProvincial tax deductions 436.46
) Y. K5 W' M: A+ cRequested additional tax deduction 0.00
- l, x: h& r d" `Total tax on income 1,355.03
8 k$ O$ I8 g2 J. x5 a7 pCPP deductions 282.56
( \; J; G: n4 S: @9 {9 vEI deductions 103.80
0 D8 O0 ~8 h7 ^# g( YAmounts deducted at source 0.00
0 d+ _/ C; P; p5 uTotal deductions on income 1,741.39) k! i$ A1 l n, `6 M/ P
Net amount 4,258.612 u5 S* [7 h6 M) w& N
: `( E1 ?1 C" b
[ 本帖最后由 每天一点 于 2009-1-21 21:15 编辑 ] |